"Raiden let her go!" Elizabeth shouted running over to her mate and harshly pulled him away. The move left Raiden off guard causing his fangs to drag down Luna's neck until he ran out of skin, leaving it looking like someone ran a two prong garden fork down her neck and blood flowed profoundly. "She's just a kid and now you probably killed her!"

"She's just a witch Elizabeth." Raiden said wiping Luna's blood off his face with his sleeve. "It doesn't matter if she dies."

"So you decided to create a vampire witch?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I didn't release any venom. At this point, I don't see her living. Poor Devon will be heart broken. I can't wait to see his face." Raiden smirked.

"You are not the man I fell in love with." Elizabeth glared. "You are no longer my mate." She added going over to where Luna was sitting and unlocked her chains and the girl fell limp onto the floor.

"What are you doing Elizabeth?" Raiden growled.

"Helping this girl, and letting her go back home. Riku wouldn't have wanted his father to do this. I know Riku was your only son, but being a vampire things happen that are not in your control." Elizabeth said picking up Luna. "Don't worry Luna; I won't intentionally let you die." She added before leaving the room.

"Elizabeth!" Raiden shouted, shocked at his mates actions.

Elizabeth carried Luna to her room and she gently laid the bleeding girl on the large bed in the and quickly went to the attached bathroom and grabbed a first aid kit and started to quickly clean up the blood that was still pouring from Luna's neck.

"Damn it, at this point you're going to bleed out." Elizabeth said mostly to herself. "Luna, if you can hear me, I'm going to take you outside, if you can communicate with your sister I'll tell you exactly where you are so you can be teleported back to them. If you can understand me say or moan something."

"Okay, hand." Luna said, her voice barely audible and Elizabeth quickly grabbed Luna's hand tightly in hers. "Speak, with your mind, Leona will hear." Luna said.

"Uh, can anyone hear me? Leona?" Elizabeth said desperately

"Who the hell is this?" Leona asked confused.

"My name is Elizabeth."

"Aren't you Raiden's human mate?"

"Yes, I was. Listen, Luna is really hurt and she's barely alive. If you know how to teleport her I will bring her outside of our home and you can teleport her to you, she needs to go to the hospital. Raiden bit her and drew a lot of blood."

"He did what!?" Leona shouted.

"I'm sorry, I tried to stop him and when I did he ripped right through her. She's loosing so much blood and I can't stop it. I'm not a nurse and if Luna goes like this for much longer she will die if she doesn't turn first. Raiden says he didn't inject any venom but I'm not sure."

"I want to kill that man!" Leona growled.

"I'll let you, that vampire is no longer the man I used to love. He's changed ever since Riku was killed. I've been trying to help Luna ever since I found out she was here but I failed."

"Alright, take her outside; I'll have help waiting on this end." Leona said.

"I understand. Give me around ten minutes to get her outside and then I'll try to communicate with you again. We're in a tower outside of Lucca."

"Alright, I'll be able to find her with my powers. Luna you'd better not die on me!" Leona said and Elizabeth let go of Luna's hand.

Elizabeth quickly picked up Luna off the bed and ran outside of the tower so that the barrier wouldn't kill Luna when Leona teleported her. Elizabeth kept pressure on Luna's neck to try and stop the bleeding but blood continued to flow. The woman had high doubts that the young witch would live and was surprised the girl was conscious long enough to use her powers to allow Elizabeth to communicate with her sister.

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