Chapter Twelve

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"Don't leave me. I want to be with you." Leona begged.

Pryase smiled at her as he laid down next to her.

"Leona, you are with me always and I would never leave you alone. I love you, Leona Anna Dark." He said and Leona curled up to him laying her head on his chest.

"Thank you for staying with me and I love you too, Pryase Adam Mathers."

They looked at each other and smiled.

"Stop crying, I promise we will find her and they will pay for this." Pryase said, wiping the tears off her cheek with his thumb and Leona closed her eyes to calm herself.

"I was wondering something dealing with the conversation that we all had about vampires being able to have kids a few nights back. Does that mean you can have children if you choose too?" Leona asked. She looked up just in time to see Pryase's shocked look that crossed his face when she asked her question.

"Leona, why do you want to know if I'm able to have children?" Pryase asked looking at Leona questioningly.

"I was just curious Pry. I hope you didn't think I meant anything by it. One day I would like to have kids and whatever but I was just curious if you could have kids." Pryase relaxed and smiled slightly.

"Yes I can have kids if I choose to. Even though I'm a vampire nothing about me has really changed. I can still have kids but I can choose when to have kids but if I lose control for even an instant we could cause an accidental pregnancy." Pryase explained.

Leona moved so that her head was now on his stomach but she was lying on her back across the bed.

"That is very interesting. So it's pretty much like being human in away except as long as you remain under control you can keep from causing an unexpected pregnancy with your mate." Pryase shook his head before speaking.

"You really are very interesting yourself. Why are you so curious about this?"

"I was just curious that's all. There's a time in every girls life were they get curious about their boyfriend in one way shape or form isn't there?"

"You can ask as many questions as you want, Leona. Also, I promise you that I will do everything in my power to find your sister." Pryase said as he grabbed her and put her on his lap as he looked into her eyes.

"I know you will. We have to find her and quick or else something bad is going to happen to her Pry. I can feel it." Leona told him seriously.

"We'll find her. Trust me, we will." He added and kissed her forehead.

Leona got out of bed and looked at Pryase. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get something to drink." Leona told him with a slight smile.

"I'll come with you."

Leona held her hand out to him and he took it in to his own. They went to the kitchen so that Leona could get a drink and as they made their way back to Leona's room they ran into Devon.

"Sorry for interrupting but Pryase we need to talk." Devon said seriously.

"Alright I'll be right there." Pryase said before turning his attention back to Leona. "I'll be right back. Go lie down and relax, okay?" Pryase added as he gave her a kiss on her lips.

"Okay, I'll see you when you come to bed." Leona said and once she disappeared Devon looked at Pryase.

"Did you see how powerful Leona is getting? She just screamed out of sadness of her sister being taken and she caused every car in a mile radius and the corner store to blow up. Could you imagine what would happen if she lost control from something happening that's worse than Luna being kidnapped?"

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