"Wanna explain the sudden telepathy to me?" Luna asked.

"It's a long story."

"I got time."

"I found these leather-bound journals in the back room of the library, the one where the new books are stored, that have gems embedded into their covers and our initials are on them but they obviously aren't ours. Pryase saw them and told me that they belonged to our Great Great Aunt Leigh-Anna and our Great Great Grandmother Lunara who were the most powerful Wiccans in history. He also said their powers are in our blood, but they were supposed to die with Leigh-Anna and Lunara. Apparently we're their reincarnations and therefore, supernatural." Luna looked as if she was thinking of something.

"It makes sense if you think about it. I mean, what humans do you know that have true telepathy or the ability to see into the future through their dreams. You may have more abilities than me but that's because you're the older sister. We have been waiting our whole lives to find out why we are the way we are. Now we find out why and you can't believe it?"

"Maybe it is true but it doesn't make any sense, Luna. If it was true wouldn't have Dad said something to us about it or even Mom before she went insane? Yeah, we are Wiccan because of Dad's family but powerful Wiccans who can really use Harry Potter like magic. That's a little farfetched."

"Vampires, werewolves, mermaids, and angels are farfetched but they're real. Hell, your dating a vampire and I was crushing on a vampire, now tell me that ain't farfetched, but yet it's real." Luna told Leona with her arms crossed and with a look of disappointment. "As for Mom and Dad, we were little when Dad died, and we would've been too young to understand what kind of powers we had. Then shortly after that Mom went insane. It's possible they didn't know themselves."

"Don't look at me like that; I get what you're saying. And another thing, I'm not dating Pryase, not yet anyways. All I'm trying to say is why us? "Leona asked crossing her arms.

Just then Leona sensed someone coming towards them through the darkness.

"Luna, run for the house, now!" Leona told her sister through their telepathy.

Luna ran for the house and the person tried to grab Luna but Leona was quicker. She tackled the intruder to the ground but the person was stronger when suddenly Leona's wrist snapped and Leona screamed out in pain but still tried her hardest to keep this person from her sister.

Just as the person got loose from Leona's grasp Pryase pinned the person down to the ground. Leona walked over to where Pryase was pinning the person to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Pryase asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Who is that?" Leona asked, holding her wrist and trying not to sound in pain.

Pryase stood letting go of the person and he too stood up and pulled down the hood that was over his head to reveal Devon.

"I'm sorry I frightened you and your sister and if I hurt you." Devon said and Leona glared at him.

"You have more than my broken wrist to be sorry for, Devon. You stood up my sister and practically broke her heart without a single reason. She has been out of her mind wondering where you've been, and was worried sick. She thought you got kidnaped or killed. You hurt my sister and you're lucky I don't rip you apart." Leona stomped back to the mansion, up to her room and slammed the door.

Luna looked at Brittani who was standing with Luna in the kitchen.

"What was that about? Did Pryase do something to her?" Brittani shook her head.

"No, Devon's back and she told him off. Her wrist is also broken from when she was trying to keep him away from you." Luna looked towards the door.

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