One of the posts she came across was talking about the very mansion that they were going to explore on Friday day so Luna read the posts and comments to see what she could find. As she read the posts she noticed that the one person that wrote a lot about the mansion was a girl that used the user name mansiongirl1600. The user name intrigued Luna because the girl didn't use her name but she used the year that everyone believes the mansion was founded and this mysterious girl knew a lot about the mansion. She wanted to find out who this girl was but when she went to the girls profile there was nothing. There wasn't a picture, no description, nothing that would give any idea as to who this girl is or possibly was.

At this point Luna was extremely curious and knew something was going on, she could just tell. Luna thought about it for a few minutes and then decided to join and blog about what was going on the following night to see if this mysterious blogger girl would comment or blog next. After she blogged it she waited and waited and waited but no comment, no nothing so she turned off her computer and went to sleep.

Finally Friday morning came and Luna and Leona got dressed for school. Luna got dressed into a pair of black jeans and tank top with a rose on them. Leona got dressed in a pair of camo cargo pants and a camo tank top. They did their make-up and got everything together for school. When they were all done they headed out the door and jumped into Leona's car. As they headed to school Luna told Leona what she discovered and it interested her.

"That is rather odd. Maybe the girl is actually a student there and she uses that blog to lure people into the mansion that way, by making them curious." Leona stated with a smirk.

"I can tell there is something very strange about that girl and that there is something going on with that mansion." Luna said seriously.

"I know there's something more than what anyone else is saying but the only way to know is to wait and find out tonight. I just hope we don't end up putting Nitara and Mike in danger." Leona told her seriously.

When they got to school they parked into their usual parking spot. As Leona got out of the car she was bum rushed by Mike.

"Hey, Mike. Excited about tonight?" Leona asked grabbing her bag out of the car. Luna got out of the car and grabbed her bag.

"I can't wait until tonight, even Nitara is excited. This is going to be our greatest adventure yet." Mike replied.

"So where is Nitara?" Leona asked with a smile.

"Here I am." Nitara called running up the drive way of the school.

"Nitara, where is your car?" Luna asked.

"My car broke down this morning, it won't even start." Nitara told them.

"After school I'll come over and see what's wrong with it." Leona told her with a smile.

"Yeah, we'll fix your car for ya." Mike said.

"Thanks guys." Nitara replied.

Then they heard the bell ring and so they went to class. As the day went by Luna became even more curious about the mysterious girl who blogged about the legendary mansion. It made her wonder what exactly they just might find on their adventure that night.

When lunch finally came around everyone met at their usual table and Leona looked at Nitara.

"After school is over I'll drive you over to your house so Mike and I can fix your car. Then after we fix your car we'll head over to my place so that we can get everything ready for tonight."

"Sounds good to me I just want my car to work. I don't get it, it was working yesterday but then it wouldn't start this morning." Nitara told them.

"That's just strange. Well, my sister and Mike will figure it out for you." Luna told her with a smile.

"I hope so I love my car. I don't feel like walking all over the place again." Nitara stated.

As they ate Luna took out her laptop to check out the blog and sure enough there was a comment on her blog from the mysterious girl saying "Beware! You just might find more than what you are bargaining for.'

This made Luna even more curious than what she was before and now she couldn't wait for tonight. Her and her sister has always been interested in the supernatural and it would be fantastic if they could actually meet a vampire or a werewolf. Just to see if they are anything like they are described in the books or in movies.

After school Leona and Luna drove Nitara to her house so that Leona and Mike could look at her car. As Leona pulled into Nitara's drive way Mike pulled in right behind her. They all got out and walked over to the car. While Leona and Mike looked at the Nitara's car Nitara and Luna hung out in the house. They popped the hood and looked at everything and checked everything. They ended up finding out someone unhooked the battery and also pulled the spark plug wires out. So they put the wire back on the battery and then replaced the sparkplug and the wires.

After they were done Mike jumped the car to make sure the car would start and it did. So, Mike and Leona went in and told Luna and Nitara that everything was all fixed. After a few minutes went by they left and went to Leona's and Luna's house. When they got there Mike and Nitara brought in their stuff for the weekend. Then they hurried up and got everything ready for tonight like flashlights, candles, matches, and the ever popular peanut butter cups.

"Hey we should grab a camera too besides the flash lights." Mike suggested.

"Yeah, we could I guess." Luna replied and she ran upstairs to grab her video camera.

As it hit 11 o'clock they headed out to the mansion. As they made it to the bridge they started to feel excitement and a touch of fear. They crossed the bridge and made their way down the road to the mansion. When they made it to the front of the mansion, they parked the car and stood in front of the very mansion that was and very well could still be Supernatural High.

They did not know what was beyond those gates and what just might be dwelling with in it.

Secrets Of Ying Yang MansionWhere stories live. Discover now