Chapter 11~

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This chapter is dedicated to LacieMoore for saying such incredibly nice things about me when I really needed it.

Clary's POV -






All 5 tests confirm my fear.

GAAAAAAA why did this happen to me! Why not all those poor women out there who want a child more than anything! Why!

I would have been worried about this even when I had J- him to support me but now it's going to be impossible, if it survives the pregnancy, shadowhunter babies miscarriage alot because of strain on the mothers bodies and stress, which I have plenty of.

-Tim the 2 hour time jump-

Everybody's back at The Institute now and they're all heading up to the training room.

"I think I'm just going to watch," I said to Matty.

"Why, afraid to show us how bad you are?" Nate said smirking at me as he passed us.

"Oh leave her alone Nate unless you want to clean her puke of the training mats, considering how much she's been puking lately it wouldn't surprise me if your face made her barf," laughed George.

"I'm still the best looking guy in the Institute", smirked Nate.

"Have you noticed you don't have a girlfriend, if your so good looking why are you still single," I said.

"I do to have a girlfriend you just haven't met her yet not that you should be here long enough to meet her."

"Believe me I don't want to be around you any longer than I have to I'm just waiting for the all-clear to go back to the California Institute."

" Is that where you came from", asked Hunter.

"Yeah I stayed there a couple of days before I came here but unfortunately he knew I had friends there and checked there as soon as he left here." I stated looking down at my shoes thinking about how awful he had looked in that brief moment I saw him.

While I was watching them train I started thinking about what I would do once my pregnancy became more noticeable. Did shadowhunters still go on missions while pregnant? Did they still train in the Institute? Did they have Shadowhunter maternity clothes? Or did you have to have custom gear made? Or was that time spent in Idris where it was safer?

"Hey Matty I'm going to go to the library and do research on all the stuff that's been going on lately with my vomiting and everything." I said silently hoping no one volunteered to help me.

"Okay, yeah, that's great, you should probably do that it's really weird how you've been sick lately," she said distracted by the training.

" Hey wait a second I'll change and come help you it's a big Library, could take you awhile to find the right book," said Brandon jogging over to me.

"Oh yeah, sure, that's great,thanks for the help," I said trying not to look to myphed.

Once in the library we went off our separate ways him trying to look for my mysterious illness in Shadowhunter books and me looking for Shadowhunter pregnancy books that I had no clue what would be called 'Hunter Babies' or 'Shadow Bellies'?

"Hey I think I've got something", called Brandon about 2 hour later.

"I've got two theories well three actually but I think two are more logical. One you've been injected with rare Warlock Venom and you're in a state of mastasizing which I highly doubt.Or two you have been eating weird plants in California unknowingly, which when combined with the massive amount of stress you've been under would upset your fragile self for a few weeks. Or your pregnant which seems possible considering how fond the blonde guy was of you because no one just looks that way unless you've been rather close to your girlfriend before she abandoned you."

I stayed silent trying to decide whether or not to lie to Brandon.

"So which is it rare Venom, funky plants fragile self, or baby", asked Brandon looking up.

"Whose having a baby, and who are you" asked a girl I've never seen before as she walked into the room.

Hey look I updated its an Easter miracle. More to come soon.


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