sitting around in the dorm room

Start from the beginning

I dragged a chuckling Harry all the way to the locker room.

When we reached the locker room we stripped quickly and began getting on our training gear.

Harry suddenly flipped me over so my back was against the lockers, the cool metal making me hiss a litte and when I went to question he just said "listen."

In the distance I could hear Niall's faint laughter.

I smiled as I caught his drift.

I reached up and captured Harry's lips with my own and quickly shoved my tongue down his throat as I heard the voices coming closer.

Harry moaned obscenely and grinded down into my hips earning a groan that was pornographic at best.

I pushed up and met his thrusts and continued moaning loudly and tossing my tongue with Harry's as I heard the door of the locker room open.

Harry and I don't spring apart as we heard a cough, instead I put a hand between us and toy with the waist of Harry's shorts.

"Don't tease Lou. Need you now." Harry moaned out.

For a moment I either forgot about the others in the room, or just didn't care, as I moaned softly and plunged my hand into Harry's shorts and started pumping slowly.   

"Zayn what do we do?" Liam asked frantically.

I stopped my hands movements and Harry whined and rutted back into my hand.

"This is no time to be Tommo the tease." Harry whined out.

I chuckled and threw my gaze to our new arrivals. "Not really the time is it Hazza?"

Harry stared blankly for a second before he remembered why we had done it in the first place.

Harry chuckled then said "Hurry up and get your kit on. The sooner this is over the better." He said with a wink as he took my hand out of his shorts and went back to changing.

After practice

"Hey you guys wanna head back to me and Harry's room?" I asked.

I received a few grumbles as response.

I chuckled to myself adding. "I promise me and Harry will act like normal best friends?"

"Plus there will be beer." Harry pitched in.

A few nodded so after a quick shower Zayn, Liam, Niall, Stan, Nick, Harry and I all headed back to our room.

I tossed them all a drink and sunk down to the floor cross legged.

We chatted aimlessly for about 20 minutes until Niall declared he was bored.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Nick suggested.

We all agreed and Nick kicked us off. "Zayn truth or dare?"


"I dare you to run up and down the corridor in your boxers shouting 'I'm a weiny!'" Nick said after thinking for about a minute.

Zayn obliged and we howled in laughter as he screamed at the top of his lungs up and down the hall and extremely confused looks and looks of amusement from passers by. 

When he got back into the room he kept his clothes off stating that he couldn't be bothered.

"Louis truth or dare?"

"Dare obviously."

"I dare you to keep your hand on Harry's crotch throughout the whole game."

"Easy." As I palmed Harry slightly earning a gasp at the back of his throat.

"Niall truth or dare?" I asked.


I pondered for a minute before saying"I dare you to ring Harry's mum and tell her you're jealous of me and Harry's relationship." a smug smile graced my face as I finished talking.

Niall and Harry groaned as Niall took out his phone.

He went through his contacts and brought his phone to his ear.

"Hello Anne. Yeah I'm grand thanks. Yeah I know it's later then I usually ring. Listen I'm worried about Harry. No nothing like that. It's just him and Louis. I guess I'm kind of jealous. Yes I'm still straight. What Liam? I gotta go Anne I'll ring you tomorrow."

As Niall hung up the room burst into a chorus of laughter.

"c'mon Haz stop your pouting! I mean she even questioned  if he was straight!" I said as Harry had the beginnings of a smile crossing his face.

"Alright. Alright. Harry truth or dare?" Niall asked. 


"Boring." I muttered under my breath as I continued to palm Harry slightly.

"What's the deal with you and Louis?"

I froze my movements and caught Harry's eye.

".. um.. I dunno... we are best mates... who like to get each other off?" Harry said looking at me the entire time.

I nodded and returned to my movements.

The game continued pretty uneventful until Stan asked. "Liam truth or dare?"


"Oh feeling adventurous are we?" I teased with a smile.

"I dare you to snog the person you had naughty dreams about." Stan said.

"What... I..." Liam stuttered.

"I know they are in the room." Stan insisted.

Liam sighed and lunged at Zayn.

Zayn was pretty surprised but returned the kiss feverishly.

After about 5 minutes they broke both panting and short of breath.

"Well this has been fun but Harry wants you to leave." I said all of a sudden.

"What I didn't say.." I interrupted him by pressing down rather hard receiving a high pitched whine.

"We are gone." Stan said and pulled himself to his feet, the other following suit.

As soon as they were gone Harry lunged at me peppering my neck with kisses as he pressed his hips into mine.

"Well that was a change in events." I said panting.

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