Part three: Star is the Force of Evil

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"S-s-stay back." She sounded frail. Hurt. She looked to be on the verge of tears. "I-I-I'm wa-warning you."

"Star..." his voice trailed off, and was so much quieter than he intended. He took a footstep closer. "What's going on?"

She stepped back. "Stay away from me. Please." He moved closer. Yet every time, she went back. Further and further and-- thump! She hit the glass wall, and was trapped.

"Don't move another inch," she plead. "She's gonna hurt you!!!"

He frowned. "Why're you talking to yourself in third person?"

"I-I'm not." Her eyes went from blue to BLACK!!! And she said, "she would be me!!" in this entirely separate voice. It wasn't even Star's. So much harsher it was. darker. A voice made for one who had no love in their heart. A voice for a true force of evil.

Marco's face was pressed on the glass again. "Tof-- De'mon, what did you do to her!?!?! What happened to Star????"

He lightly laughed. "I simply just had to get a little evil in her head. A love sick spirit did the trick."

"Wait what!!! You possessed a spirit in her. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong. I do what it takes. Clara, kill the boy."

"As you wish, master." Star-- or Clara, was generating a massive energy source through her wand.

"Wait. No!!! NOVA!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!"

"Don't even bother." De'mon guided Marco's eyes to the back, for him to find her with handcuffs, "magic free of course," as De'mon put it. And Buff Frog was held down with so many chains, ropes, and even tape that he couldn't even budge.

"Get on with it Clara!!! We don't have all day," De'mon ordered.

"Shut it!!" she snapped. She stared at him. He loved it when him and Star shared a gazed-- but it felt more like she was eyeballing him to death. It was very unpleasant.

"I'm gonna enjoy seeing him suffer."

"And that's why you're my favorite. Have fun," De'mon laughed.

Clara forced Star into a wicked smile. "Oh I will."

Without saying a single word, Star's wand formed a litter of puppies. Laser ones of course. Each time they shot a laser, it bounced from end to end of the box. Marco had to run.

"Where are you going? There's nowhere to hide." And she was right.

He couldn't hide. He had to face her. They were supposed to be equal. Fighting against her would be nearly impossible. So he refused. He couldn't fight her. Not Star.

Even if she was possessed by an evil, loveless spirit that was controlling her body until it decided to leave-- which could be a while. A looooong while. But screw that!!

She blasted energy beams at him, He had to move his body in all directions. He felt like it was one heck of a gymnastic routine.

"Star... if you're... still there... listen to me!!!!"

"SHE'S GONE FOOL!!!!!!!!! It's only me!!!!" Clara/Star shot a monster butterfly at him. He fell back to avoid it.

"Why are you doing this!?! I never did anything to you!!!"

"De'mon ordered me to. And he built a machine so I could be alive again. All in return was to kill you. Now hold still. It's hard to aim for the head when you keep squirming everywhere."

"Sorry if I'm just trying to survive."

"Well it's annoying. You coward, you won't even put up a fight!!!"

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