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This can't be happening. What do I do? Should I tell him? Maybe not. But how much longer do I keep it a secret? There's so many questions. So so many questions. Yet no answers. Great. You know what, I'll tell him. I have to... But what if he doesn't like me back? What then? Then again- what now?

Star swallowed hard, then attempted to speak. "Marco-" She paused to catch her breath. Just tell him. Tell Marco you like him. "Marco I-" What do I say?

"Yeah?" he responded. Alright, don't back out now. You already got his attention.

"What's up?" Marco asked.

"Listen... I-" though the words wouldn't fall out. "I-"

He raised an eyebrow, "you what?" Immediately after, he checked his watch. "Look, I'm gonna run late for the airport soon. And I can't afford to miss this flight."

She frowned. "Oh... right. College. It- it can wait. Nothing important." I've waited this long anyway.

"Are you sure? It seems important to me."

"Nah. I don't wanna waste your time. I'll call you later."

"I'll miss you Star. It just won't be the same without the girl I like."

Did I hear that right? I couldn't have.

"Wait what?"

Marco smiled. "I said it won't be the same without the girl I like."

Oh, now I get it.

"You can always just call Jackie. And I'm sure you can visit over the holidays."

Now he was laughing. "No, you don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"

He gave her that same magical soft gaze. The one that drove her absolutely insane. "It's not Jackie that I like- it's you."

This is totally not happening. It can't be real.


"I like you Star. A lot. I don't even care about Jackie. Sure, she's a great friend, but I like you."

"Seriously. Cause I really like-"
"SSSSTTTTAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" an unfamiliar voice broke in.


Just then, Marco was fading away. Literally. He was vanishing in a flash. In its place was total darkness.


she opened her eyes. Yup, it was all a dream.

"Ooohhhh, SSTTAARR!!!!!! It's morning!!!!!" the voice cried again. Only this time, it wasn't as unfamiliar as she thought. She recognized it anywhere.


She looked around, her entire room changed. It was so much bigger and more elegant than before. Like it belonged to royalty.

I'm at MEWNI!!!! Since when?

Star heard the door slam, then her mom came in.

"Star!!!!" she yelled, and hugged her so tight she could barely breathe. "Oh, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, mom."

"Mirror chats just aren't the same. But look at you, all grown up. I can't believe my little butterfly's gonna be queen."

Star rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but grin. She'd let it slide once. Queen- I can't believe I'm gonna be queen.

"Where's dad?"

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