Chapter 15: Anger

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A/N: Guess who's baaaaaack? ;)

Thanks for all your support once again ;)))))

C A R L O S ' P O V:

"Yes." I answered confidently, but inside I was shaking. I've known Mal forever, and I knew that my 'crush' was something more. I didn't want Mal to leave me if she was going to be future Queen of Auradon, and I didn't want to be the best friend standing by her side either. But I didn't want to hurt Ben, even though I knew he had the power to hurt me, since he was King. Why did this have to be so unfair? Why did the girl I love have to date someone more superior than me? If Mal had liked Jay, I wouldn't stand a chance either. Maybe if she'd like Chad, I'd be able to change her mind. Mal made me feel like I wasn't small, or someone to be picked on. She knew me as a smart guy that can get out of any situations using his brains. She made me feel special. But, as I looked at Ben and saw the guy he really was - when he had helped me overcome my fear of dogs, maybe.. Maybe I can trust Ben as the guy to take good care of her.

Ben's eyes widened - I guess he wasn't expecting my answer. I cleared my throat and blushed (I have no control over the colour of my cheeks). "Y-You know, forget it. It was just a dumb crush anyway." I brushed it off, hoping that Ben will calm down and think twice about killing me, but inside, I felt something shatter.

She already rejected you, Carlos, so man up and get over it.

"Since when did you start liking her?" Ben gave me a weird look and waited for my answer. Since when did he start interrogating me? I cleared my throat once more so that I could have the courage to look him in the eyes and answer him. "D-Uh.. Back at The Isle." I finished, my eyes dropping to the floor. Ben took a step back in surprise. "You liked her before you came here?! Why didn't you tell her before?" He said in utter shock. I rolled my eyes. I don't need the King of Auradon to tell me what I should say to Mal or not. I gave a nonchalant shrug and looked away. "We... I was so caught up in trying to destroy Auradon.. I guess I never got the time. Plus, she's Maleficent's daughter. Maleficent will skin me alive if I confessed to her. And dating in The Isle wasn't really.. popular, nor was it encouraged." I explained as I saw Ben's face transition from an incredulous to understanding look.

"So... Did you tell her, you know, when you pulled her -"

"Yeah, I did." Uh oh, Ben's on cautious mode again.

"...W-What did she say?" Now it was my turn to look surprised. Was Ben doubting their relationship? Well, I'll give him the benefit of doubt, i've been spending quite a lot of time with Mal, and they've only been dating for two weeks now.. Plus, I have good looks.

But just for the fun of it, I'm gonna rile him up a little. "She said 'Yes, finally! I'm getting rid of that goody-two shoes'. She said she was tired of you." I said, trying not to burst into laughter. I could see from the look of his face that he bought it. "Mal said that to me?" His pained expression made me a little guilty. "I was joking." I chuckled. Ben's eyes widened in realisation before patting me on the back. "I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. At least she knew what I had to say." The night was still, except for the cold wind that blew through the trimmed grass lawn of the school. Ben and I stood there in silence, before I spoke again. "I'm still mad at you."

"For what?"

"Yelling at her and not asking her to the dance. Do you know what she's been doing these past few days while you were gone?" I said icily, my face serious. He shook his head nervously. I sighed. "She's been learning some manners with Audrey to impress your parents." I could hear Ben's soft but still audible gasp. And I wonder what he's been doing on his business trip.

"I've... been away."

"So we've all noticed."

"But not for business. More of a.. favour." My head could not snap towards him any faster. "What?!"

"Chad's been begging me to take his sister to the ball." I frowned at him for his casual tone. "So that girl at the ball you were with -"

"That's her." He finished. I stared wide-eyed at him. "And you didn't tell Mal?" My voice appeared cold and angry. It was like I shot a dart into Ben and hit a bullseye. Ben had been keeping this secret from Mal, which she could have taken in a wrong way as him cheating on her, while Mal had been working so hard to learn manners to impress his parents?! There wasn't a time when I knew it was coming, it just happened. My fist collided into his face.

"How can you do this to Mal!" I yelled, my ear-piercing shout sliced through the night. He stared at me in shock, one arm braced behind him and the other holding his jaw. His jaw had a black-blue bruise, mine probably had one too, but inside, I felt strong. Power surged through me. I deserved every right to punch him, even if he was King, and so did Mal. In fact, I was going to call over Evie and ask her to work her magic mirror and trap him inside. "I..." His words died down into his throat. Anger channeled into energy, and I was ready to make him sorry for what he did to Mal.

"Ben! Carlos! What's going on?!"

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