Chapter 11: His Advice

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The masquerade ball was the only thing that Auradon Prep was ever talking about these days. It was featured in Auradon Buzz, more couples were holding hands. And Audrey and the Auradon Prep Party Committee were in a hurry, all of its members were carrying large boxes of decor, carrying tables, chairs, the anxious students were curious and excited to see the newly decorated ballroom.

And speak of it, that special day was tomorrow. 

And Carlos had no one to go with. 

Not that he minded - he practically didn't care. But he was starting to feel inferior compared to his best friends. 

Jay was with Audrey now.. They weren't dating, but they had a something, it was obvious and anyone could see that. 

Evie became inseparable with Doug the moment Chad revealed his true self and intentions.

 As for Mal... he sighed absentmindedly, walking down the hallway and muttering a curse word to every couple he saw walking past him.

His entire body froze still when he saw Mal shoving Audrey and walking off. Her face had a look of pain and sadness, with a hint of... disappointment? Had she been expecting something? 

Curious, he walked over to Audrey, who was a tad bit shell shocked and was fingering her bruised arm where Mal had injured her. Carlos gasped. "Audrey, are you alright?" Audrey nodded immediately, hiding her arm behind her back to avoid Carlos' stare. "Mal didn't do it on purpose. I have a bad feeling she got rejected." Carlos raised an eyebrow and stared at the last place where he had seen her walk away. "Rejected?" Audrey nodded again, scratching her head. "I saw her talking to Ben just now."


Anger and something else coursed through his veins. He excused himself before dashing off to the place he knew she would go to - her dorm room.

Please be there, Mal... Please..

He stood in front of the closed door, panting heavily. He wasn't a sporty person, he didn't work out to keep fit, and he didn't run unless there was a good reason for it. 

And this was a good reason. Mal was in trouble, and he'd always be there for her.

He reached his fist out to knock the door, then stopped abruptly. His heart was pounding in his chest, his fingers were shaking.. Why was he suddenly feeling like this? Shaking off this thought, he knocked on the door. "M-Mal? It's me, Carlos." Carlos voice dropped to a soft tone. 

"Leave me. I'm not feeling well." Came Mal's stubborn reply. Carlos pressed his forehead against the door softly. "Then, could you at least let me in?"

"Carlos, I'm fine."

"I don't think so. Now would you please let me in?" Please, Mal.


"You're so stubborn." Carlos said forlornly, before sliding to the floor with a thud and leaning on the door. "I'm not leaving until you let me in."

"Go away."

"No. I'm gonna stay here."


"Open the door, Mal." 

Carlos crossed his arms and smirked when he heard nothing but silence. He could hear her groan before the door knob twisted and Carlos came tumbling onto the floor, his body sprawled in such a weird way that made Mal burst into laughter. 

Carlos huffed and got up, brushing the dirt and a couple of lint dust off his pants. "Honestly," he muttered, before entering and plopping onto her bed. "Now, tell me what's wrong." Carlos said, his face turned serious and concerned. Mal's laughter died out and her sad face returned. She turned away from him, her nose in the air, her lips forming a pout. "I'm not upset."

"I didn't ask if you were."

Mal was taken aback by the comeback Carlos had just made. She stared at him and saw his lips pressed into a thin line, his hair slightly messy, beads of sweat rolling down his neck. "I saw what you did to Audrey." Carlos said, distracting her from her stare as she looked into his copper brown eyes again. 

Mal shuffled a little, suddenly finding the comb on her floor interesting to look at. "I feel horrible for it. She must be furious." Carlos shook his head, standing up from the bed. "No, she's not." He said, unconsciously closing the distance between the two of them just a little. "Come on, tell me. What happened with Ben?"

My, this comb does look interesting. "N-nothing." She stuttered, her eyes not tearing away from the comb. "Mal, please." Carlos whimpered. 

He hated to see Mal like this, so upset. Wasn't she supposed to be the fearless leader of their little quartet that he looked up to so much? He suddenly felt so mature, that he could at least be some use to Mal instead of being referred to as a techie. He could listen to Mal's problems, and at least give her some of his advice.

Finally, after a huff, she gave in.

"B-Ben said he had something coming up. He's not going." Mal mumbled, her lilac locks falling in front of her face to hide the disappointed look she had. "Is that really that necessary to sob about?" Carlos questioned. He could never understand couples.

"It's not! I told him I would go with you, but he totally rejected it! He listed out all the names of the girls, but they're all occupied. Then he walks away! Just like that!"

Carlos blinked in surprise. Now he understood why she was so angry. He didn't give a reason why she couldn't go out with another to the ball. "He's probably... jealous." Carlos shrugged. It was possible. Mal shook her head furiously. "If he's so jealous, why won't he go with me?" She said in a hurt voice. Carlos gave a short sigh. He didn't really know Ben that well, so how would he know? 


Hold up.

Did she just say that she wanted to go with him?

To the ball?

Yippee! He did a little dance in his head.

"Maybe he's busy. But hey, if you still wanna go..?" He waggled his eyebrows as Mal started chuckling. She hiccupped, then looked at him.

"What about Jane?"

Huh? "What about her?"

"But.. you danced with Jane at the-"

Now it was Carlos' turn to look away from her. "Well, nothing happened after that. She is grounded, I couldn't do anything."

Mal nodded slowly, remembering that Jane had been grounded by her mother, The Fairy Godmother, for taking the wand for her own wants to change herself.

"Come here." Carlos motioned her for a hug. Just a friendly one. But it felt like it lasted for an hour. They stood in absolute silence, just savouring each other's presence. "You've grown. You're taller than me now." Mal muffled into his shirt. Carlos laughed. "And you've gotten soft ever since you started dating Ben." Carlos replied, laughing even harder when he felt her roll her eyes and punched him lightly.

You really did grow soft.

"What colour do you like?"

"Hm?" He was taken aback by such a sudden question.

"Uh... red, I guess?" He suggested.

Mal rested her chin on his chest. "Guess.. I'm wearing red then?" She gave him a warm smile. Mal pulled away after a few seconds more of awkward silence. 

Carlos felt the warmth in his body dissipate. His cheeks flushed pink, realising what he had just done. He had just asked Mal - the confident, slightly bossy and leader-like Mal for a hug! 

A hug.

The hug was nice, he had to admit he didn't really like people touching him, or vice versa. He just felt uncomfortable whenever someone grabbed his arm. Only pats on the back and hugs and kisses from Dude were allowed, thank you very much.

The hug made him swell with happiness, yet he felt sad when she pulled away.

He didn't want her to pull away.


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