Chapter 9: Day 2 - Charmaine

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A/N: I am so sorry. I am such a horrible person for not updating. Forgive me! ><''' I am going to be busy with exams for the next three weeks so please, please, please forgive me if I don't ever come back here. I promise I will write more in December and all chapters will be posted by then. :)

Charmaine is an OC I made up for this story.

Ben's POV:

I woke up to the sound of birds twittering. I rubbed my eyes, slightly sleepy and lethargic. My eyes adjusted to the unfamiliar surroundings. Where was I? I looked around at the pastel blue bedroom, slightly bigger than my dorm room. It dawned on me that I was in one of the guest rooms in the Charming castle. I remembered the forced trip that Chad dragged me into so that I could meet his younger sister.

"MORNING!!!" Said person burst into the room, holding a tray of breakfast.

I was ready to give him my most terrifyingly murderous glare when my eyes fell upon the dish he was holding. Ooh, jelly donuts. I immediately began helping myself to them - my poor little stomach was whining at me for not having a proper meal the day before. "This is one of your guest rooms?" I asked, munching on the third jelly donut. Chad nodded as he put the tray on the guest room desk. "Don't worry, Ben, you won't stay here for long. In fact, Charmaine wants to meet you now." I paused my eating, the jelly filling dripping down my fingers. "Charmaine?" I repeated. "Yup. My sister." Chad grinned. My eyebrows quirked up. Where have I heard this name before? It sounded all too familiar.


"Bennnn! Do you remember me?" A shrill voice rang, as a small but attractive girl came running up towards me, holding her croquet stick.

Oh no.

I recalled the girl, the same sly features on her face, and her long blonde hair that she ties up in pigtails. That Charmaine.

I was a small child at that time, when my father brought me to Charmington Residences where I first met and became best buddies with Chad. Dad had brought me there with Mom due to some business matters he had to attend to with King Charming. I didn't meet Chad at first, since he spent all his time in his room and didn't bother to come down and see me. Instead, I was stuck with his little sister, Charmaine. I wouldn't say she was obnoxious, or rude, or unpleasant to be with. She was just... clingy. Back then, I really didn't have much interest in girls, so I didn't want to be around her. But Dad taught me to be polite to the Charming family when I visited, and so I had to be polite to her.

Because I acted like a gentleman to her, she fawned over me like I was a new doll that was given to her. She wouldn't stop hugging my leg whenever I wanted to go to the bathroom or explore the area. She would threaten to wail if I would as much twitch a muscle. Oh, and that tea party with her stuffed bears... She caked me in makeup and forced me to pretend to drink out of the little plastic tea set she had. She braided my hair by pulling and combing it so roughly that my scalp was almost tearing and my little tufts of hair kept falling out. Finally, I managed to sneak past her and escape her. I found Chad's room and stayed there to play with Chad until I could go home.

How could I forget?!


I hung my head in remorse as the blonde girl came trotting over to me, immediately winding her arms round my neck. "Hello, Ben." She purred as I shifted uneasily. I gripped my croquet stick and cleared my throat. "Hi, Charmaine." I mumbled when she finally released me after a few minutes. Charmaine had suggested croquet for the two of us to play, which surprised me, since I liked playing croquet. Chad had apparently left the two of us alone to 'bond', and he wandered off... somewhere.

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