Chapter 6: Chad Charming

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A/N: Sorry for not updating guys! These few chapters will be based on Ben's POV. Enjoy!

Ben's POV:

"Are you sure your parents liked me?" Mal asked. I smiled as she bit her lip and waited for my answer. I wished I could make her more nervous, she looked cute when she was stressed out.

"Don't worry about it, Mal. After all, you did save Auradon from your mother." I started laughing, then hiccupped.

Uh oh, that didn't come out right. I thought to myself, seeing the hurt look on her face. I mentally slapped myself on the face. Really Benjamin? You had to bring up her mother? I need to say something else to cover it up - it's getting awkward. "Sorry." I mumbled.

Oh my god, Ben!

"It's cool." She said. And there she goes, looking all cute and biting her lip again. It had only been a week since we were dating, but I felt like I was in heaven. I know it's pretty mean of me to say this, but I'm glad that Mal spelled me. She explained to me how I dumped Audrey, and boy, did it scare me that I could be that brave when I'm under a spell. After eating those cookies, my mind just turned into one big puddle. I had no idea what happened over the last two days before bringing Mal out to her first date. My eyes just snapped open and I felt the coolness of the water... Let's just say I might have heard Mal singing her troubles out after wading to the shore.

I turned to look at her. She was staring blankly into space. She's probably fretting about the brunch we had with Mom and Dad today. I don't get what she was so worked up for. Mom and Dad told me that she was a 'feisty and awesome gal'. I was happy to hear that from them. I was a bit worried that they would nitpick about dating someone from the Isle. But Mom and Dad worried me a little. They kept repeating the word marriage when they had a talk alone with me. I gulped. Marriage? As in marriage? Why did they keep repeating that word? No, I'm not ready to marry...

I shifted my glance to her once more.

Is she really still worried about my parents?

"Mal, you okay?" I asked, concerned. Mal nodded her head slowly, but her eyebrows were still in a knot. I raised an eyebrow. I was about to grab her hand and reassure her when I suddenly saw Chad peeking out from behind a pillar.

Wait, was he spying on us all this time? I glared at him when he signalled me to come over. I angrily mouthed him a 'no', but he started begging. I gave a small sigh. "Well, I have to get back to my kingly duties." I lied. Mal's eyes snapped its attention to me. I gave her a huge grin. Cheer up, Mal. I gave her a hopeful look. In return, she gave me her usual grumpy pout. I'm not sad. I laughed and dropped a kiss on her cheek.

Behind Mal, Chad looked like he was ready to throw up.

I walked up to Chad. He apparently was giving me the 'why did you take so long?' look on his chiseled face. "Okay, okay, I'm here." I groaned, raising up my hands as if to surrender. Chad crossed his arms. "I still don't get why you're with..." he paused for effect. "Her." His hands were now gesturing to the spot where she was standing before. "Is this what you were going to tell me?" I deadpanned.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I forgot. You need to escort my lil' sis to the masquerade ball next week."

"What? Why?"

"She's coming to Auradon next year, Benny. I thought it would be great for her to be introduced to a pretty boy, eh?" He gave me a wink and a nudge.

I shot him a weird look. "I'm already with Mal, Chad. You can't just expect me to escort another girl to the ball she's bound to misunderstand!"

"Aw, come on Ben-"

"Get Jay or Carlos." I snapped. Seriously, what is Chad thinking? I'm not going to hurt Mal. I frowned as I walked away.

"I don't trust them, Ben." Chad shouted. I stopped dead in my tracks. I swiftly turned around and marched up to him, neither of us were breaking away from our stares. "All you gotta do is go with my sis to the ball. Or is it because of that girl, we're not friends anymore?" He said calmly. I stiffened. Chad is my best friend, we've been friends since I was seven. I can't blame him for not trusting Mal and the others... I guess I could say that he does have a few trust issues.

"Fine. But promise me you'll try to be friends with them."

"With who?"

"Uh, the VKs?"


"Villain Kids."

He smiled. "I promise. Thanks, man."

I rolled my eyes.

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