Chapter 2: Bennyboo

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Mal had never been more desperate in her life. Well, other than the times she pleaded her mother to teach her evil spells. But this time, she was begging Audrey to teach her proper princess manners. And it was all because of Evie pushing her to pluck up the courage to ask her. "Just ask her M." Evie pouted. "No way! It'd be so awkward. Just the tension... Ugh!"

Mal wasn't terrified. She was a natural born-leader, who imprinted the word 'fear' into every Auradonian when she and her villain friends showed up. She was just feeling a bit awkward that she was asking Audrey for a favour.

Okay, maybe she felt more than just a bit awkward.

Audrey, Ben's ex-girlfriend who got dumped by Ben himself, because Mal spelled him. They did exchange a smile after her mother Maleficent was defeated, but she wondered if Audrey had really forgiven her. She knew Audrey tried to keep her distance from her, and she did not mind. As long as there was no sense of awkwardness hanging around them when they had a conversation, it was pretty okay to talk to her.

But her mind kept telling her that Audrey would never forgive her. Her mind kept flashing to that horrible memory of Family Day, when she was publicly humiliated in front of everyone, when she felt everyone's distasteful eyes on hers, when Ben was the only person next to her that stood up for her, but her gut feeling inside reminded her that he was under a spell..

She felt a shiver down her spine. Family Day.

Taking a deep breath, Mal knocked on Audrey's dorm room door. "Enter." A voice rang. Mal opened the door and saw Audrey sitting cross-legged on a plush couch near the bay window, reading a fashion magazine. Mal noticed Audrey's face turn pale. "Mal!" She immediately stood up from her seat, putting the magazine away.

"Uh, what are you doing here?"

Yeah. Definitely awkward.

Mal cleared her throat. "Um, hey, Audrey. Uh, how are you doing?" Audrey's eyebrows shot skyward, but after suspiciously staring at Mal for a few seconds, she excitedly held up the magazine she was reading.

"Can you believe it?! My dress during coronation day is now the front cover of Auradon Buzz!" She squealed as she held the magazine a bit too close to Mal's face. Mal gave a timid smile as she looked at the dazzling photo of Audrey in her pink coronation dress, dancing and smiling gleefully with Jay. Huh. Jay and Audrey. Mal made a mental note to ask Jay about it later.

"You look nice."

"Duh! More like fantastic! Hey, think you could show this to Jay later?" Mal noticed Audrey's tone was dripping with sickeningly sweet honey at the mention of Jay. Okay, Ew. Her mind had automatically just formed a mental image of both of them together. But other than that, Mal was pleasantly surprised. "Wait a minute, you're not... mad at me? For what I've done?"

"Why would I be? I mean, Jay would love this photo - "

"No, that's not what I meant... I mean, I did sorta, kinda, stole your boyfriend. And made your grandmother terrified of me, and I did aim the wand at you when I was out of control..." Mal bit her lip.

"I know, I know. But since you VKs have changed from bad to good, I guess I've been wrong and that I've treated you horribly. Besides, what you said at the coronation was amaze-some." Audrey admitted. Mal's eyes brightened. "Thanks. And... amaze-what?"

"Amaze-some, you know, amazing and awesome."

"That's... not a word." Mal pointed out. Audrey rolled her eyes as she planted her hands on both her hips. "Well, what was it you were going to ask me? I haven't got much time you know.. I gotta tweet this to my adoring followers." Audrey said as she reached for her hot pink phone on her dresser.

Mal scratched her head. "Um, I was hoping you could teach me some manners." Audrey snorted. "Why would you want to learn that?"

"I want to impress Ben's parents." Mal shuffled a little, praying that Audrey would not see the little tint of embarrassment on her cheeks. "Why don't you use your magic to make yourself more.." She looked at Mal with disdain. "Not you." Audrey finished with a wrinkled nose. Mal rolled her eyes as she let out a large sigh. "Believe me, I'm trying to cut down the magic to lessen anymore troubles I might create." Audrey looked at her in surprise. "You really are trying to become good! Is this only for Bennyboo?"

Mal gave Audrey a weird look. Even after they had broken up, is she really still going to call Ben that? If she were Ben, she'd find that cutesy nickname as an insult. She prayed that Ben wouldn't call her anything like that. It wasn't an Auradonian thing.. Was it?

"No it isn't. I'm just.. trying to be nicer for the sake of Auradon."

Audrey folded her arms and smirked. "Alright, fine. I'll do it because I'm a super nice person, who will be a great influence for you and the other VKs. But first, you have to swear that you love him and that you are doing this for him." Mal rolled her eyes again, irritation seeping in. "Why should I? This.. This is just plain stupid."

"Just do it! And don't worry, I won't get jealous. I'm so over Bennyboo and his super gentleness.. besides, I already found someone else." She said in a day dream voice. Mal gagged a little. She knew Jay long enough to know that Audrey crushing on him was already disgusting.

Mal's face turned serious. "Yes, I love him and I'm doing this for him." She said firmly. 

Audrey took a step closer to adjust Mal's leather jacket. "Good. I'm friends with anyone who cares for Ben as much as I do." Audrey grinned. 

Mal's eyes widened in surprise. Audrey was never nice to her. Maybe she should be more nicer to people. This was amaze-some, is what Audrey might have put it, right?

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