Chapter 10: You'll be safe here with me.

Start from the beginning

After a few moments of staying still, Luke poked his head back to look at me, annoyed. "Are you coming in or not? You're not that important so we could just leave you behind,"

I scoffed. "That is not-"

"-Your bus. Yeah, so I've heard. Come on, princess. We don't have all day." And with that, his head disappeared once more, making me groan but obliged nonetheless.


It was different,

High chandelier, wide ballroom, everyone is watching your every move.

I looked down and saw the gown I had worn the last time I had been in a social gathering as this one. Midnight blue, no sleeves, sweetheart neckline, little diamonds were decorating the ends of my gown.

Where am I? I had asked no one in particular. When a specific music played, I'm pretty sure that color had officially drained my entire being.

No, I mumbled. Anything but this, I can't relive this moment.

But no one seemed to pay any attention with me or my pleas.

Just on cue, everyone started dancing gracefully in the dance floor, minding their own businesses, mingling with each other of any higher class people.

I went to turn the other way to escape my impending fate when the attention of the crowd was drawn towards the one who is supposed to be stealing the attention of everyone.

My dear mother.

I stood there, frozen and speechless. Sweat decorated my hairline whilst my hands seemed to feel clammy. I should leave. I don't belong here.

But for some reason, I just can't even move my feet.

She started making her way towards to where I stood and studied me but the way she looked at me was berating as if she didn't like it one bit.

She looked up and greeted me with the most fake smile I've ever seen and kissed both of my cheeks. I may have been exaggerating when I say this but as soon as her lips came contact with my cheeks, I could feel the burning sensation.

The most horrible sensation I've ever felt.

My nerves are starting to shake as my mouth began to open on its own. Mother, I want to be a doctor. I've uttered during that time and now, I'm speaking those cursed words again.

She scoffed. You don't want to be one. Trust me, That's what she had said.

But mum, think about the people I would save! Think about the cure I could bring...

You're not qualified for that aptitude. You don't know a thing about being a doctor. She had said.

I could learn.

You're just a child. Nothing good will you bring except clothes. End of discussion.

But me being persistent, I managed to find myself pushing her buttons completely making her unleash her anger at me.

You will not be a doctor. Not now, not ever. If you think for a second that you can defy me, you are wrong. You're incompetent. You're capable of designing and not being a mere slave to people!

I gasped for air. I could feel the panic attack coming and I think it's the real thing and not some simply just a dream panic attack.

She didn't stop there. I have this scene perfectly etched upon my memory forever.

She raised her hand as if she's about to strike me, when a violent shake made me snap out of it.

I woke up to the sight of the four lads looking down on me, all of them seem to have worried looks on their faces.

"Guys, I think she's waking up!" Ashton called out. Immediately, the guys looked at me, Calum and Michael had this relief written on their faces but Luke's expression seemed to be more of...concern.

"Thank goodness," Calum sighed. "Can you hear us, Alia?" He asked me.

Luke glanced at me. "She's frozen," he told the guys.

Calum looked confused. "Alia, can you hear us? Blink once if yes, blink twice if no."

Michael whacked the back of his head. "How on earth would she respond a 'no' if she can't hear us, you doofus?"

Calum seemed to think it over. "Oh yeah. Don't blink if you can't hear us." He rephrased.

I blinked. Of course, I could hear them. It's just...the impact of my nightmare gave me a shock. It almost felt so real. Like I've been reliving another memory of mine. It's not being frozen, it's not being able to withstand another memory from my mum.

Luke took one look at me as he sighed before turning to his bandmates who seemed so skeptical. "I got this guys, you can go back to sleep now,"

"How are we sure that you won't kill her in her sleep, huh Hemmings?" Michael seemed to be threatening him but Luke just brushed it off.

"I got this. I'm not that heartless," he assured. "Just sleep." He commanded them but they seemed to be protesting about the arrangement so he glared at them whilst he lifted his hand up to silence them and made them go back to their respective bunks.

When he is sure that the lads had gone back to bed, he scooted over to me, pressing his body to mine whilst he let one foot dangle.

"Sorry, this bunk is really short and it's squeezing me alive." He chuckled as he wrapped one arm around me. "You'll be alright," he whispered as he rubbed circles on my arm comfortingly. It is so unlike him to comfort me. I'm used to seeing him sneer whenever I'm with him.

"Wanna tell me what your nightmare is all about?" He asked me as he directed my head to lean on his chest.

"I'd rather not," I rasped out. "I'm okay now, you can go back to your comfortable bunk. Go back to sleep." I told him, trying to push him away. I don't trust him, not after what he had done to me.

"You don't trust me," he stated with hint of hurt in his voice. I was about to say something when he did something he wouldn't be caught doing. He kissed my forehead. "If that's what you want then." He mumbled, sleepily as he hummed one of their song.

I haven't been around to know the song but I know that it was one with the summer rains and everything.

"You're safe," he mumbled. "You'll be safe here with me. And I will make sure that no one will harm you." He said, making me silently gasp in surprise. "I'll be here to protect you even if I'm always mean to you. Good night, Alia." He said and never in a million years would I think he would do that to me.

When I am sure that he had already fell asleep, I began to take a deep breath.

"It's my mum," I started as I whispered, my voice shaking. That particular memory had haunted me for life. It crushed me of the possibilities I could bring. "She and I don't see each other eye to eye." I rephrased every word I was about to say. "She's my nightmare." I told him even though I knew he had already fell asleep. "She hates me, I'm a mistake. Which is why I had ran away from them...from her."

It took me every ounce of my will not to break down beside him. I don't want to be weak. I don't want to be vulnerable around him. But his mere presence is making me just do what exactly I told myself not to do.

It may have been just my imagination, but I swore his hold on me tightened. 

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