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Mia's POV

My eyes flash open, and I gasp for air as if I just went to the surface after being underwater for a long time. I then realized I'm in my room. All I remember is that I was walking home, and something loud happened.

I remember a pair of dark emerald green eyes. Maybe it was just a dream. I can't be going crazy, it's just impossible that I saw that. I guess it's the new medicine I'm taking for my headaches; they're making me illusional.

I got off of bed, and I nearly screamed. "Who are you!" I shout, staring at a tall and strong figure in front of me. He's a guy with long brown hair that coils down to his shoulder. His muscles perfectly carve his arms, making him look buff. His left arm is covered in tattoos with symbols I don't know.

Right there, when I looked at him in the eyes, those familiar eyes I almost gasped again. Those dark emerald green eyes.

"It can't be." I shockingly say as I try to get away from him.

He takes a step closer to me, his face showing no emotions. I didn't know what to do, I mean I've never woken up with a stranger in my room. The worse part is that my parents aren't home because they go to work early, so no one can help me.

"Get away from me!" I scream once he was dangerously close to me. He was now in front of me, his hot breath hits my face; a hint of mint and smoke blend in with him.

He starts to make some weird extraterrestrial sounds, making me even more scared.

He then grabs my hands, pulling them over my head. I tried to escape from his grip, but he was too strong for me. Before I could do anything else, he crashed his lips on mine. I began to feel weak, and his lips moved against mine in such a slow pace.

He then pulled away, and smiled. "Now I finally speak to you in you language." He weirdly says.

I don't know what to do. Either I'm going crazy with these wild dreams that seems to be too realistic, or this idiot in my room is drunk as hell.

"Get off of me right now!" I scream again, and this time he does what I said. He lets go of my wrists, and takes a few steps back. His face becomes frighten, and he starts to shiver a bit. Oh great, now the drugs on this asshole are taking affect in him.

"I-I'm sorry-" he tries to speak, but I cut him off.

"Who in the world are you?!" I question as I slowly walk towards my bag on the floor. I have my pepper-spray inside, so I could use it if he tries to attack.

"I-I am the Harry." He struggles to say with a foreign accent. "And I not from planet Earth. I'm from other planet in same galaxy." He talks all choppy and weird, as if he can barely speak English. His speaking reminds me of cave men you would see in movies.

I wanted to laugh. He's gotta be kidding me. Aliens don't exist for the love of fudge! I don't know how he got in my room, and how I ended up home when I tried to escape but there has to be some explanation.

I've heard my parents a few days ago saying how they've been wanting to hire someone that would protect me; kinda like a babysitter but a bit more like a paid friend. They were worried I might end up behind bars or in the middle of the road high in drugs.

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