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Song for chapter: Prisoner by The Weeknd


Before it all started-- before the humans took over the only world we had-- it was all very calm.

We used to celebrate Crystal day. Crystal day happened once a year, where all the powerful aliens in our planet would crystalize their skins which made them shine with all their power. After they crystalized themselves, we would have a huge parade, celebrating all our birthdays.

You see, humans celebrate their birthdays in a different way because they weren't all born in the same day. We're all born in January 1st, so it's much easier to remember your friends' and families' birthday.

We can't celebrate Crystal day, nor do any parades. We're like slaves now, but some of us rebel against the humans, but most of us don't make it out alive, along with them.

Now it's all different. Their world was destroyed because of them. The humans destroyed their own world with their toxic wastes and pollution. And to think, they used to say that the aliens were the ones that would take over their world, when right now it's the other way around.

So maybe you're trying to find out who's this alien that's saying bad things about the humans is. Well I'm Harry, and only Harry. I don't have a last name like the humans do, that's just ridicules. Us aliens look exactly like them, well the race that I'm in. We're called the Crystals, that's the race of alien that I am and the whole planet of Mars is too.

I have long light brown hair, but when it gets wet, it turns silver until it dries. When we cry, our tears are silver, sometimes even gold, depending on how sad we are. If we're having a throbbing pain while we cry, then we cry gold tears.

Us Crystals have our own language, but by kissing others that know different languages, we absorb the language from them. I've only kissed two different aliens, so I'm trilingual.

But enough about me. Let's go back to the interesting time, the time before the Earth was destroyed.

The time I saw her.

Present time

Mia's POV

I was walking down the sidewalk, my earbuds blasting classical music as I carelessly payed attention to my surroundings. I know my parents will be pissed, shit, I bet they'll kick me out of the house.

You see, I crashed my brand new car that they bought me a few weeks ago, and left the broken vehicle in the middle of a Walmart parking lot. They also found an empty vodka bottle in my room; which I constantly told them its not mine, and it's true.

The vodka bottle belonged to Katie Jones: my bestfriend. She has been going through a horrible breakup, and ended up crying in my room at three in the morning while she gulped down the entire bottle, spitting some hurtful words about her ex.

She then filled her Snapchat stories with her saying how horrible he is, and of course I was sleeping in the background. I mean hey, it was three in the morning and I was sleepy as hell.

Now my parents think I'm some alcoholic that's not responsible for anything. They always gave me lectures about being a better person, and to take responsibility for my own actions. I don't know why they always focus on the negative things, like can't they appreciate all the good things I'm doing?

As I got closer to the neighborhood I live in, the more I started to get second thoughts about going in. They'll see I don't have my car, I'll be forced to tell them the truth, and off goes the alarm to them yelling at me.

So I turned around, and began to walk in the opposite direction of my house. It started to get dark, and the cold thick winter air prickled my skin. Every time I exhaled, you could see my breath forming a cloud that then quickly faded away.

Then out of nowhere. I saw some flashing lights in the sky. At first I thought it was just the lights to a plane, but they were getting wider, meaning it was getting closer. My phone started to act all funny, the screen would freeze and random apps would open by themselves.

Then the atmosphere around me started to get thin, making it impossible to breathe. I fell to my knees, gasping for air. Something came crashing down a few feet away from me, but I was too weak to know who or what it is.

My eyes then started to get heavier, and I couldn't keep them open anymore. But before I completely closed them, I saw a strong figure crawling towards me.

Emerald green eyes was the last thing I saw.


First chapter! What do y'all think?

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All the fooking love

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