29 ~ Remembering the Kiss

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"She also admitted that she set fire to Bastian's airship," I say.

"Oh, dear. That's not good news, is it? We've been watching Della for quite a while. Her clan left their home after the east European flood and resettled in Canada. Her surname is Vicar, if you're not aware of it, and they carry the burden of more than one murder. I'm afraid you've made yourself an enemy for life." Rosemary's eyes soften and she reaches out to stroke my hand, but her gesture doesn't lessen the blow of her words.

"I don't even know why she hates me. It couldn't be jealousy over Bastian, she doesn't even love him. She even had the nerve to steal my magic when we first met. I got it back, but I've been the target of her wrath ever since."

Rosemary's pencil thin eyebrows lift. "She stole your magic? When did this happen?"

"About a week ago. Miss K and Bastian helped me get it back. Somehow they knew Della had done it, probably because she tricked Bastian by drinking an aging potion to make her look old. It's a longish story."

"And a story I'd like to hear, when you're in a fit state to retell it. But the reason for Della's hatred doesn't matter. She's going to continue her efforts for revenge until she kills you or you stop her. I'm afraid the situation is grave."

"Do you think she knows I survived the fall? Maybe she thinks I'm dead and will go on her evil way."

Rosemary shakes her head and my stomach plummets. Damn. "Lazarus said he saw you struggling to swim when he was chasing Della. I'm sure she saw it too."

"But how do I stop her from killing me without killing her? I don't want that kind of karma following me around for the rest of my life, and probably more lives after that."

Rosemary smiles sweetly and gazes at me as if the answer is as clear as rain on a rose petal. "We are all animals on this planet, and we all have instincts to survive. If a lion was chasing you with the full intention of eating you, would you try to reason with him? That conversation wouldn't last long, would it? Or would you lay down and give yourself up to him? I don't think so. Your instincts are to survive, and survival and murder are two different things."

"I think I have pretty strong survival instincts," I say. "And if I'm allowed to train here at the commune, I can learn more spells so I can protect myself if Della ever comes back."

"Not 'if', dear, 'when' she comes back." Rosemary rises from her chair. "So, it's settled then. You'll stay with us and study your craft. In the meantime, get well, and drink that tonic Cath brewed for you. It'll calm your nerves so you can rest." She points to the mug she left on the floor and walks to the door. That's when I remember I owe her an apology.

"Rosemary, I'm sorry for running away when the airfield caught fire. I wasn't thinking straight."

"Your apology is accepted. And you were thinking only with your heart and not your head. We will teach you how to connect body and spirit so you won't have so much apologizing to do. I'm very glad you're here with us, dear."

When Rosemary is gone, Tam slumps back onto her bed. "Holy grail, Ivy. I hate to say this, but I wouldn't want to have a Vicar after me. That would keep me up at night, for sure."

"Thanks for the words of encouragement, Tam." I scoot to the edge of my bed and lift the mug off the floor with my good arm, which is sore as hell from all the swimming it did.

"Awe, don't worry. By the time your training is done, you'll be able to kick her butt clear across the bay."

I bob my head at her attempt to reassure me as I inhale the steam from the mug. I don't smell licorice, but there's a combination of mints going on, and I'm tempted to say a hint of alcohol. Tam drowsily watches me as I take the first sip. It's strong, but the mint hides the bitterness of whatever medicinal Cath put in there. Is rum considered medicinal? After a few more slugs of the tonic, the effects start to kick in. I see little trails as I move my head back and forth.

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