Chapter Four: The Bagel Chart

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A/N: It has come to my attention that I've been using the wrong definition for fluff, haha. I didn't mean last chapter was filler or nonsense (after all, it was the chapter that inspired this entire story in my head...) but I mostly meant it was going to be sappy/borderline-cheesy/lovey-dovey/romantic. Basically, fluff = "feel good stuff."

ANYWAYS, onward.

Chapter Four: The Bagel Chart

"You must be exhausted," Victor murmured against my ear, his lips tickling slightly as they ghosted over my skin.

"No, no. I'm really not," I denied, shaking my head lightly against his shoulder. I knew that while the adrenaline was fading, it wasn't exhaustion I was feeling. It was content. "Besides, there's no way I could fall asleep now."

An hour had passed since I told them. One crazy, tear-filled hour consisting of enough hugs and kisses to make me the happiest girl in the world. All of the movement and spinning was making me a little light-headed, so we'd finally slowed down. I was currently cozied up with Victor on the couch. My tears had miraculously dried up, and I was happy to sit around with boys while we had some unexpected free time.

"You can doze off here, Princess," Victor pressed gently, slowly rocking his body side to side against the couch. Since I was on his lap, I swayed along with him. Sleep was enticing, but staying awake was too important to pass up. "I promise not to let Luke put Play-Doh in your hair or super glue your toes together."

"That was one time!" Luke shouted from the kitchen where he was stirring baking ingredients into a bowl, causing me to laugh. His grin was both cheeky and charming as he sent me a wink. I knew he was busy making some sort of celebration cake, which North surprisingly hadn't batted an eye at, but I wasn't sure which flavor. He claimed it was a surprise.

"I don't want to miss anything," I answered quickly, turning around slightly to smile at Victor. I'm not sure if it were physically possible for a smile to be permanently stuck on one's face, but mine hadn't left since Silas and North had carried me over from the windows to join everyone else.

"As you wish," Victor huffed slightly, the sound clashing with his sweet, baritone voice as I snuggled further into his chest. His fingers trailed up and down my sides in a soothing motion.

Sean and Owen had both been standing off to the side for the past ten minutes or so, both heads ducked and discussing something quietly. I didn't have the heart to be suspicious, and they didn't look worried. My eyes were drawn to Gabriel's laptop screen beside me and Victor, where he was staring intently at the screen and mumbling under his breath.

"What are you looking at, Gabriel?" I asked curiously, too lazy to move my head from its comfortable spot on Victor's shoulder.

"Is that Pottery Barn?" Nathan asked, leaning over the back of our couch and eyeing the screen. Something caught his interest and both eyes lit up. "Hmm, that's kinda cute."

Now my curiosity was overpowering my comfort and I shifted on Victor's lap to lean closer to Gabriel. Looking at the screen, I discovered why he hadn't been responding. He was lost in his own little world of online shopping. The screen had endless pictures of toy chests, gliders, changing tables, cribs, and tiny kitchen furniture. My heart melted at the sight, and I felt a surge of excitement.

I'd been so focused so intently on the boys' reactions and the tiny human growing inside of me, I didn't give much thought as to what we would need after it was finished growing.

"Really cute," I agreed softly, eyeing a little girl placing fake food onto the tiny kitchen table. My mind immediately tried to picture miniatures versions of the boys in her place. I pointed towards a comfy looking chair. "Why is that chair in the nursery furniture section?"

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