Chapter Twenty-Four: Susan Stranglehands

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A/N: Ya'll can stop adding this story to your "this story is DEAD AF!!!", "lost all hope for an update", and "y start a story u wont finish?" reading lists now. Hope you're all staying safe during everything going on with COVID-19. ❤️

Chapter Twenty-Four


I groaned, burrowing further underneath the mountain of covers.

"Baby, wake up."

My brow scrunched in concentration, focusing on the voice as I snuggled further into a familiar warmth. Strong arms encased me, warming me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I nuzzled my nose against Silas's solid chest, listening to the comforting rhythm of his steady heartbeat.

North's voice held a touch of a growl. I pointed my toes, pushing out my legs as I stretched underneath the cloud-like covers. A yawn escaped, and I rolled onto my back with a groan. My eyes blinked open lazily, and it looked like dawn had broken a while ago as light pilfered through the blinds.

North's face was barely a foot above mine, two deep brown eyes staring unblinkingly into mine as a concentrated frown settled over his features. One hand held a glass of water as the other reached out, placing something dry and bitter against my lips.

"Time for your vitamin, Sang Baby," North murmured cajolingly.

I jerked away, my head meeting Silas's chest.

"North!" My voice came out equal parts groggy and scratchy. I blinked against the sleep in my eyes. "What...what are you doing?"

"I have your vitamin." North leaned back, holding out a pill in offering. "You usually take them at breakfast, but I'm making sure you take it now since you guys slept in."

I rubbed a hand over one eye then the other, leaning up on an elbow to look over Silas's shoulder and find the clock.

"It's nine o'clock?" I asked, surprised we'd slept in this late.

"Vitamin time," North reminded me firmly, holding out the pill again.

Silas's thumb traced down my arm, and I looked down to see his sleepy eyes half-lidded as they followed his thumb movement.

"Morning, angel," Silas greeted gruffly, voice heavy from sleep as he offered me a tired grin.

"Good morning," I whispered back, before facing off with the overprotective husband practically on top of us. I sighed at the look of determination on his striking face. "At least let me sit up first?"

North backed up readily, and I scooted up until I was sitting between both of them on the sizable bed. North still had the vitamin and water handy, and I gingerly accepted both from him.

Silas's thumb traced down my side in a featherlight touch as I swallowed the vitamin, scrunching my nose at the strong medicinal taste. I much preferred gummies.

North let out an audible breath, and I had to stifle a laugh from how seriously he took his self-appointed role of vitamin-giver.

"There. All done." I played it up, opening my mouth to show off my empty tongue. He rolled his eyes before leaning down and planting a kiss on my forehead. I gave his jaw a quick nip before he retreated, and that got a smile out of the focused man.

"Morning," North finally greeted warmly, moving his lips down to meet mine.

Then Gabriel came bursting into the room before I could do more than press lightly back against North's lips.

"Look alive, Trouble! Picture time. North, do me a favor and take her shirt off?"

"What the fuck?"

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