Chapter Thirty-Seven ❤️❤️❤️

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As days turned to weeks, Ash was nowhere to do seen. The snow queen had taken top priority once again and the Charming Squad was never not busy like always. Though Henry turned his focus back to helping Elsa find her sister, and finding a way to stop the Snow Queen from ruining the town, he couldn't keep his mind from wandering back to her, a black rose among pink. Ash. Nora. Mabel. In this they had "Captured" the snow queen who effectively made Emma lose control of her powers to a dangerous extent. Ash had quietly been observing the situation, which is unlike her to do anything quietly, but she had done so pretty darn well. Now she sits in a tree quietly humming as she narrows her eyes at Emma's yellow buggy that is parked in her clearing. Emma had been a mess last night. Ash had watched her as she broke down in tears, her palms an angry and very much electrifying shade of scarlet. Ash wasn't to worried about getting zapped out of her perch in the tree because well... She's Ash- she doesn't worry about anything.

    Emma starts to wake up slowly, the zapping of her palms pulling her from her dream filled sleep. After panicking for a moment she stumbles out of the buggy and struggles to contain the raw power she possesses. Ash watches chuckling slightly as she lounges across a branch.

"Okay, calm down." Emma murmurs to herself.

"Mom?" All of a sudden a familiar voice calls through dense forest. Oh look, Golden boy decided to join the party, hurray! Ash thinks as she raises her eyebrows at the scene below her.

"Henry?" Emma calls back worriedly. She can't be around anyone right now, let alone her son.  "Henry what are you doing here?"

"I've been looking for you. Everyone has." He says taking a few steps towards her.

"I've told them all to stay away. I can't control my powers right now. Listen, don't worry about me right now, I'm going to try to find a way to fix this but until I do, you got to go." Emma tells him dead serious, backing up with every step he takes forward.

"No, you always think that pulling away from people fixes your problems, but it nevers does." He says getting even closer to her, not paying a single bit of attention to her prior warning. "I can help you," he says raising his hand to his chest in order to get his point arcoss. Ash stifles a chuckle. The fuck you mean, Henry? What are you going to do? Hmm? Ash's thoughts are disrupted by Emma's command.

"Henry just wait." She says taking in a breath and holding her hands out, magic coming out of them in one strong blast. Henry, who now stands right in front of her, is blasted back. Ash's cold dark evil heart stops beating in the box that she keeps it in as her breath stops in her throat.

"HENRYYY!" Emma yells horrified by what had just happened. Henry hits the ground, after doing some summersault things in the air, and tumbles to a stop.

"HENRY ARE YOU OK!" She yells running towards him, just to stop a few feet away clenching her hands into fist, and just barely remembering that she can't come closer or he might get hurt again.

"Are you okay?" She asks him, worried out of her mind. Henry sits as he nods, reaching behind his neck to feel blood.

"Yeah I-I'm fine." He says bring his hand back to his face to see crimson blood on his fingers.

"Is that blood?" She says with a face that fully displays her horror. From her spot on the tree, Ash could just see a red smear on his trembling fingers. Ash was a little shocked, and despite her evil nature, a little worried. Yeah Ash doesn't worry about anything but Nora- nora does. And if Nora is a part Ash then she could worry about him, right? That didn't make her any else evil, right? RIGHT?

"Henry what did I do?" She asks breathlessly, her eyes wide, and her clenched fists shaking. 

"It's fine" Henry says slowly getting up and reaching his hands out in front of him a little bit "I'm ok." he tries to reassure his horror stricken mother.

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