Chapter Three ❤️❤️❤️

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The next morning, Nora is awoken by the feeling of warm, but putrid smelling, breath fanning over her face. She nearly gaggs as her eyes shoot open. Kneeling down infront of her is a old man sporting a long white unkempt beard and dirty clothes full of holes and bugs. He smiles showing off his rotted yellow teeth.

"Hello, little girl." Nora screeches, jumping off the back of the bench on to her butt. The Hobo brakes into a fit of gaspy giggles. "Is your mother here? I saw you sleeping on this bench all night. I almost joined you." This time Nora really does gag.

"Who the frick are you!?" She yells scrambling to her feet.

"All my buddies call me Joe Joe, cause I get all the hoe hoe's" He says winking at her, his already weathered skin wrinkling more. Nora backs away as the Hobo follows her.

"Uh well Mr. Joe Joe, I would appreciate it if you left me alone-lone." Nora says ducking around a tree. Mr Joe Joe meets her around the other side, blocking her path.

"Whats the rush! You know, Doll face, I have a box all to myself and it gets awfully lonely." He raises raising his hand to brush tangled hair from my face. "And it's nice and warm there, I can make it warmer though if you'd like." Nora jerks back, narrowing her eyes.

"Look here," She swats his hand away though her brused hand protests, "Pedophila is a dissorder and you need to get help." Nora says backing away once again. Joe Joe just gaspy laughs again. Nora groans.

"Well, I see kitten has claws." She glares at the short old man.

"Why does everyone compare me to a kitten!? I'm a freaking human being!" And thats the end of that conversation because Nora has taken off walking back towards the main streets. Judging by the time it's probably around ten, If a miracle a cop didn't see her in the park before the Hobo did, or a concerned mother.

Nora being the resourceful little teenager she is, she fishes for a empty coffee cup outside a coffee shop and sits on the corner. Never in a million years did Nora think she'd be begging for money to get a cup of coffee and a warm croissant. Most people passed her as she shivered on the corner but a few dropped a couple cents in. Not that, that would be enough to buy anything. Before she even gets halfway to a small cup of coffee one of the workers in the coffee shop comes out and hands her a small coffee and breakfast sandwich. After thanking her profusely she takes the food and moves on. The worker probably called the cops to come get her, before even starting to make the food. Not wanting to risk it, Nora moves on. Well she could go to Henry's, that's the only friend she has currently. It's probably 10:45 now, might as well go to school. WIth a loud groan, Nora runs a hand through her hair, trying to make it look a little less like she slept on a park bench and woke up to a hobo named Joe Joe. She chuckles as she shivers ducking into the corner store bathroom down the street from her school. Nora has taken bed head to another level. She tries to flatten out her strawberry blonde hair, then running a hand under her eyes to wipe the sleep out of them. She washes her face, but she can't do much for the slightly dirty tank top of jeans. She looks at her reflection in the splotchy mirrors. Small petite nose, round baby face cheeks, wide eyed, and pale skin. Her lips tremble and are tinted blue from the cold and are chapped from the wind. She frowns and represses companing out loud to herself. After looking at her small frame in the mirror a few more seconds she turns to leave

"Oh well- they can deal." She says to herself before heading down to school.


"And you just happen to look like you slept on a park bench?" Ms. Vanessa the receptionist says in her signature nasal voice.

"Yep, I was going for I woke up like this chic." Nora replies, with a small smile.

"Yea well you ended up with more, WIll work for food Chich. And you do know it's freezing outside right?" She peers at Nora.

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