Chapter Twenty-Four ❤️❤️❤️

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Glinting in the sun, the sunshine yellow bug pulls onto the side of main street, across from Granny's. The metallic click of doors unlocking is heard, as three familiar figures step out and onto the warm cement. Emma, Henry, and Nora walk across the street towards Granny's. Henry and Nora on either side of Emma.

"You sure you're okay with this?" Emma asks Henry as he smiles at her.

"No." He says as Nora glares at him, he chuckles at shakes his head. "But I want you to be happy." He puts a hand on his mother's back and gently pushes her forward. Nora giggles as Emma turns her head back to playfully glare at the two of them before heading in. As the blonde ducks in the door, Nora turns to Henry and smiles, rocking back on her heels.

"So, your mom and Killian, huh?" Henry gives her a joking pointed look as she laughs. "I hate to break it to you but they are my OTP." Henry covers his ears and Nora giggles, trying to pry his hands off of his ears.

"Fine, fine I'll stop talking about how much I ship them." Nora teases as Henry drops his hands and instead wraps them around her.

"So I was thinking-" Henry starts but is cut off by Nora's chuckle.

"Uh-oh" Henry laughs and shakes his head. "Listen."

"Fine, fine." Nora says with a playful eye roll as her arms go around his neck.

"Like I was saying, I was thinking that we could do something tonight." Nora grins cocking her head to the side.

"Why, Mr. Mills, is this you asking me out on a proper date?" He chuckles at her, fake posh tone and tickles her sides, making her burst out in laughter and fidget in his arms.

"Yes, smarty pants, it is." Nora blushes slightly as he lets her go from his arms but continues to hold her hand as they walk down the street.

"So what time and where?" Asks Nora as she balances on the curb, Henry balancing her with his hand from the side of the street.

"I was thinking around sixish at the restaurant at the edge of town." Nora raises her eyebrows at him.

"Hmm a respectable restaurant. I must say that is quite the step up from a hospital cafe." Henry laughs as Nora looks over at him. Her balance wavers and he steadies her as she laughs. She needs to pull herself together.

"Well I'm up for it, is it close enough we can walk? Because I don't think that Emma would appreciate dropping us off on our date before she goes on her's." Chuckling, Henry replies.

"Taxi, but good guess." Nora fist pumps the air, over enthusiastically as Henry lets go of her hand after glancing over at the ticking clock tower.

"Shoot, I've got to go. Meet you there?" He asks walking backwards into the empty street.

"Uh, yea! I'm sure the driver will know what you're talking about." Henry nods his head and smiles at her one last time, before turning around and jogging off. He had been doing that alot lately, disappearing suddenly and leaving for hours on end. Nora asked him about it this morning as she was making breakfast, but he just told her not to worry about it. Like that would help. On top of that he had been pressing her to ask for her memories back and for some reason she just did not want them. Though Nora was not one to be controlled by her fear, she was afraid of what she would find and it was influencing her choice to not bring up her memories. Maybe- just maybe it would be better to stay the Nora that she is now, She doesn't want to find out her name is actually something dreadful like Ethel or Helga (A/N NO OFFENCE KAY?). And anyway what would regaining her memories do? If she has a family they don't care enough to look for her, and even with the missing years it would change who Nora is now. She's happy now, so why should she risk finding something out that she will never be able to change?

Lonely Hearts Fall The Hardest *Henry Mills Love Story*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora