Chapter Nine ❤️❤️❤️

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"Another day in the cage-

Da da-da da

Even at this young age-

Da da-da da

I'm so freaking bored-

Da da-da da

Please help me lord-

Da da-da da

Because I got the deep down jail cell blue-ueeeessss


Nora had been doing his for what feels like hours, she had already finished sweet Evil and Emma hadn't come back for her to ask if she could pick up the second one for her. So she just started the jail house blues song. She currently lays on her bench with her head dangling over the end, and legs up the wall. Her hair cascades down to the floor.

"What the frick am I doing?" She asks herself as there is a whoosh of cold magic and a familiar feminine laugh.

"I'm not so sure myself, darling." Zelena's voice makes Nora jump, falling off the bench and bumping her dead. She rubs it as she stands up.

"What are you doing here, Zelena?" Nora asks her eyes narrowed and her arms crossed.

"Well to tell you the good news of course!" Nora wanted to squash her into a billion bloody bunches.

"Nothing that comes from your mouth is remotely good." Nora hisses and Zelena pushes her back with a pulse of magic. She hits the wall with a groan.

"Shut up, and listen to me, because what I have to tell you you'll want to hear." Nora glares at her but shuts her mouth.

"Your little boyfriend, Henry, well thanks to Hook he won't be breathing much longer. He thinks he's smart taking him down to the docks and trying to smuggle him away on a ship." Nora's eyes widen and her blood runs cold. No. She growls and wrenches herself from the wall smashing into the bars and grabbing Zelena by the collar of her dress. She shakes her as she laughs.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" Before Zelena sends her flying across the cell again she manages to leave four long scratches down her cheek and neck.

"Now now, don't get testy. Did you think he would ever care for you anyway? Your a worthless, pathetic, unwanted, mutant girl that could die and no. one. would. notice. or. care." Nora is fuming from her crouched position on the floor. Her eyes are shining with pure rage, they slowly start to brighten to the same pale yellow color as her hands do, though she doesn't know this.

"If you touch Henry, I don't care how powerful you are I will end you!" She growls as she climbs to her feet. The ground starts to shake under her feet and Zelena laughs, tilting her head back.

"I doubt you can manage that, runt, but go ahead and try." Zelena smiles at Nora and poofs out. She doesn't think she can do it? Well we'll see who is useless today. Looking at the the cell door it flies off the hinges. Nora doesn't even stop to admire her sudden random power. All she can think is Henry. Even when the cell door clattered to the ground across the room. She growls and takes off down the hall, pushing her legs as fast as they will go. She pushes the station door open and starts sprinting down the street. She can't go any faster and this isn't fast enough for her. She has to get there quicker, faster.

"Fuck it." She says as she jumps and midair shifts into a flying monkey. She had always hated being turned into one but if she had to endure the curse then she would use it to her advantage. She soars through the sky faster than she could ever run and she pushes herself farther, to her absolute limit. When more flying monkeys catch her eyes by the boat house she swoops down like a bullet, heading straight for a target. She's so close she can see Henry on the ground, looking wide eyed at the two flying monkeys streaming towards him. He braces himself but Nora crashes into the other flying monkey, sending them spiraling off course, away from her best friend, but in the process she's hit in the wing with a bullet. The spiral of pain starts in what would have been forearm her and the bullet itself lodge in a rib. She shrieks. The flying monkey evaporated into red orange magic on impact and Nora breathed out shifting back. She cries out, tears pushing their way into her eyes. She clutches her arm to her side which hurts even more because it went though her arm and into her side. Killian curses from the other side of the boat house and a few more shots are fired. Nora sees Henry on the ground looking at her and she wobbles to her feet walking over to him.

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