Chapter Thirty-One ❤️❤️❤️

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The next day Nora is rushed out of the house by David and Snow. She was still in the process of buttoning up her white button down with black polka dots, over a black camisole of course, and trying to shove a nutrigrain bar down her throat as shes shooed out of the door. Henry follows close behind her grinning, as Snow and Charming chat worriedly back and forth.

"Emma said it was urgent and to come to the station. What do you think it could be?" Snow asks in a hushed tone as Nora chomps on her breakfast, listening in all the while.

"I don't know but we are about to find out." David replies in a similar tone. Nora raises her eyebrows but Henry taps her shoulder and hands her a bottle of apple juice they had in the fridge. She smiles up at him as she accepts it greatful, drinking a few gulps before taking another bite of her nutrigrain bar.

"Thank you!" She says, covering her full mouth with her hand. He chuckles and kisses the top of her head.

"I thought you would like something to drink." He says as Nora giggles and offers the rest of the breakfast bar to him.

"Well then would you like some?" He laughs and takes it finishing it off as they walk through the front door of the station. Rounding the corner, Nora drinks another big swig of Apple juice. Regina was already there, as well as Emma, Killian, Elsa, Belle, and Rumple? Nora tries to gasp when he sees him up instead ends up sucking the juice down the wrong pipe. She starts coughing violently catching everyone's attention before they had a chance to say hello. Regina looks back annoyed by the interruption, Emma raises her eyebrows, Hook laughs, but it's Rumple's gaze that causes Nora to become flustered and cough harder. Henry pats her back as her coughing and gasping comes to a close, her eyes watery. Snow and David had already approached Regina and Emma to find out what the big deal was. Henry lead Nora to the back where they stood too close to Rumple for Nora to be comfortable with. She did not want to confront her past in any way how shape or form. She may not be completely happy but this is her fresh starts and she didn't want him in it. At all. Nora trails off lost in thought, glaring at the old man. Henry looks over and sighs internally, trying to also pay a little bit of attention to Emma's huge thing. Something about Dairy Queen being Emma's foster mom for a while but she doesn't remember any of it. Henry follows her gaze to Rumple and intertwines their fingers. Nora looks over at Henry and smiles hesitantly at him. A moment later Rumple clears his throat. Nora swivels around, wide-eyed as Rumple grins down at her, a certain knowingness held in his eyes.

"Hello again, Nora is it? I was just wondering if you were feeling better after your episode in the alley." Nora cringes internally. So thats the way he is going to play it?

"Much, thank you..." She trails off, not knowing what to call him.

"Mr. Gold, Deary." He replies as she feels Henry nudge her slightly. Haha, No. She wasn't asking him shit.

"Well then, Mr. Gold, thank you for worrying about me." He nods his head, and goes to say something else but is interrupted by Emma.

"You spent more time than anyone trying to get here. How the hell did she do it?" She asks eyeing Nora who shifts away from him again slightly.

"Considering the time I spent on the same task, I'd love to know." He says extending a hand.

"Does it really matter how she got to Emma. I mean shouldn't we be more concerned about why?" David pipes up as the conversation continues.

"Obviously she needed her for something, but what?" Regina asks deep in thought. "Yeah well, that's our next problem." Regina nods her head as Emma looks at her, still in shock.

"Well we know she's hiding somewhere in those woods. We combed every inch of her shop. We've torn apart her house. So, she must have cleared everything out days ago." Killian interjects.

"Which means she must be hiding something."

"Where..." Emma starts looking down. Henry drops Nora's hand hesitantly and steps forward, his eyes narrowed in thought.

"What about her ice cream truck?" He asks, contributing to the investigation.

"Woah, Snow Queen has a Ice Cream truck?" Emma asks him with raised eyebrows. Nora can't help but smile at Henry. The best ideas come from the least likely off people. She thinks as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"I'm a kid, I notice these kinds of things." He shrugs as he continues walking forward. Nora snickers under her breath, kid: please. Emma smiles at him, surprised, as she nods once before David takes over.

"We split up into two groups; search the town, the woods, Hook, Regina. Emma, you take the west. Gold you're with me to the east-" Gold interrupts him.

"I think we all know, I work best alone." He says as David nods his head.

"No, time to argue that. Belle, how are you at tracking?" She stutters, not expecting to be called on.

"Um actually I-I think I would be more helpful back at the library. Maybe dig something up on the Snow Queen." She replies as David turns around, preparing to head out.

"I'd like to come with you, Belle." Elsa speaks up for the first time as she raises from her seat. "If that's okay with you. Maybe something about my sister will be there too. Unless you rather not have the company." Belle opens her mouth to reply but hesitates.

"NO! no. Not at all. I would love some." She says firmly as they make their way out of the Sheriff's station. Rumple follows suit soon after, glancing briefly at Nora before he leaves. The others start to gather to leave as Nora draws her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Uh what about me?" She knew Henry had work but she could be helpful. Everyone's gaze shoots back to her, including Henry's. "I mean I have powers to." Nora says suddenly feeling like she has to defend herself. Regina laughs, actually laughs. Nora narrows her eyes at her, her blood already boiling. She could just rip that little- Nora shakes her head, shocked at herself. What's wrong with her?

"You can go home, and get ready to go to school tomorrow." Emma replies, standing up and tucking something in her pocket. Nora's mouth literally drops open. School! She must have said it outloud because Emma raises her eyebrows at Nora, everyone curious at her outburst at such a normal thing.

"Yes, school. You're thirteen. Thirteen year olds normally go to school." The idea makes Nora queasy.

"Since when am I normal?" She questions, internally panicking. Henry grasps her hand in his again, just to find that she's shaking.

"I don't see what the big deal is?" Emma asks her as they all start to head towards the exit.

"The big deal is-" Nora collects herself, letting out a breath. She had nothing to be afraid of. Everything would be fine. "Nothing nevermind. You're right." Nora says as Emma nods her head and they leave. She lets out a long breath, leaning back against Henry's chest. Henry wraps his arms around her, as he leans back against the wall.

"You will be fine, Nor." He assures as she shakes her head. Nora knows that things will be fine, but going to school and being "the new kid" is the exact opposite of what she wants to do right now. "Our school is really small, much better than the one in New York. You will fit right in." He says, and she nods.

"I know, I know. I guess I don't really have a choice but to." She replies as he releases her, and she turns around to face him.

"I have to-" Henry starts before Nora stops him.

"Go to work, I know. Have a good day at work, I guess." She says with a sigh and Henry gives her another smile and kisses her forehead for assurance before leaving for work. Nora sighs as soon as she hears the doors shut behind him. And she was alone again.


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