Chapter 1

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It was always the same thought Phoebe as she watched the scene before her unfold. Places like Clarendon Lodge seemed to breed bullies such as Kate Nolan, a big girl that used her size to intimidate the weaker girls in the home.

Phoebe had so far managed to keep off her radar but that was all about to change.

"Leave her alone you big ox."

There it was, no going back now.

"Who said that?"

"I did you big moose, leave her alone or I will make you regret it."

All eyes were now on Phoebe as Kate turned to the brave young girl.

"Once I am finished with this little creep I will deal with your insolence."

Phoebe could not abide bullying in any form and refused to be silenced.

"You will deal with me now you overgrown freak."

It was a challenge that the big girl could ill afford to ignore. Losing face in front of the other girls was not an option for Kate Nolan who had built a reputation as someone to be feared.

"That is just fine by me you meddlesome little turd."

With that Kate and her two companions turned to face a lone Phoebe.

"Come get me ox face I am waiting." Phoebe did not feel near as confident as she was trying to sound but she knew that the only way to get Kate away from the girl that she was tormenting was to give her another target.

"You are slow even for a big fat moose of a girl."

That was it, Phoebe had hit a nerve and Kate sped across the room in order to get at her.

"What is going on here? You know that you are only allowed in the communal room in smaller groups."

It was Miss Hanlon and for once Phoebe was pleased to see the so-called care co-ordinator of the home.

"Run along now and find something useful to do."

As the large group began to disperse Kate brushed past Phoebe and whispered.

"This is not over yet."

Phoebe smiled back at the larger girl and replied sweetly.

"I know I still have to teach you a lesson in manners."

Why thought Phoebe? Just for once could she not leave it alone, after all what business was it of hers anyway? The girl that was being picked on had victim written all over her and it was not as if she had even talked to the stupid girl.

Phoebe had been getting herself into these kinds of situations all of her young life; it was as if she could not stop getting involved in other people's business.

Jolene Hampton came over to Phoebe and tried to thank her for saving her skin.

"Thanks, I thought I was a goner for sure that time. Kate was real mad at me."

Phoebe could not bring herself to care about this pathetic specimen before her and told her so.

"Look at you, you have loser stamped all over you. It is no wonder that you get picked on by the others, you need to stand up for yourself and if anyone comes after you make them wish they had picked on some other poor soul."

It was good advice thought Phoebe but with the size of Jolene she would definitely take some beatings if she took it. Still it had stood Phoebe in good stead and if it was good enough for her then it was good enough for the younger girl before her.

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