The Minivan

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Jodie and Chris embraced for just a moment longer before Jodie released herself from his grasp and gently pecked his cheek with her soft lips. She gave him a smile before turning to see the other guys all towering above them, each wearing a smirk.

"Awwwwwwwww!" They all jokingly cooed, making Jodie blush slightly.

"Oh shush, you guys!" Chris scolded them, even though he was also grinning.

"Yeah, Shush, you guys!" Jodie parroted him, shuddering slightly from the chill of the midnight air. As the shudder wasn't very subtle, everybody noticed it and Bam said, "Does everybody wanna sit in my minivan? It's fuckin' cold as shit out here!" Everybody nodded and (because he hadn't bothered to get changed that night), he whipped the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the minivan. Everybody clambered in and sighed in relief as soon as they hit the comfortable seats in the warm vehicle.

Chris pulled Jodie onto his lap and cuddled her close, making sure that she was warm. Knoxville and Steve-O sat either side of them.

"Do you feel better, Jodie?" Knoxville asked.

"Much better, thank you..." She smiled, nuzzling a little closer into Chris, "But, I'm feeling a bit worried..."

"Worried?" Steve-O asked, "Why are you worried?"

"Because all of our stuff's probably been destroyed, that's why! And- and where are we supposed to stay now?" She wailed as the night's events began to dawn on her, "Oh my god, what are we going to do?" She couldn't stop the streams of tears from pouring out of her eyes.

"There, there. It's okay." Chris comforted her, letting her cry into his t-shirt. Jodie buried her head into his chest and Chris stroked her hair to try and comfort her. Jodie wrapped her arms around his waist and relaxed, giving a content sigh.

"You two are such a cute couple!" Ehren commented a little while later from the seat in front, thinking that Jodie was asleep. She wasn't, but she didn't tell anybody this.

"Yeah! It was so romantic how you carried her out of the building after the fire, too!" Dave said, "I can't believe that you saved her so quickly!"

"Haha, I can," Knoxville chuckled, "He's head-over-heels in love with her!"

"Well, yeah, and because you don't just leave somebody in a burning building! Especially not the girl you love." He smiled, mumbling the last part. Everybody still heard him, and this short sentence sent Jodie's mind into a whirl.

"The girl h-he LOVES? Did- did Chris Pontius just say that he loves me?" These thoughts raced through Jodie's mind, making her heart flutter, "I can't believe it!"

Chris carried on stroking her hair, feeling her cuddle him a little bit tighter in her 'sleep'.

"Awwwwww, Pontius is in love!" Knoxville laughed along with everybody else, all smiling at the cute couple.

"It's so weird that somebody as sweet and innocent as Jodie could be so in love with somebody like you though, isn't it?" Steve-O said.

"Why, whatever do you mean by that? Chris asked, trying to act as naïve as possible.

Steve-O chuckled, "You know exactly what I mean!"

Everybody laughed again, but this time Chris shushed them.

"Be quiet, you guys, Jodie's had a long night and she needs some peace." He told them, and surprisingly enough they  actually decided to listen to him. They all chatted amongst themselves still, but lowered the volumes of their voices so that the minivan was a lot quieter than before. Jodie was trying to fall asleep, but her mind was wide awake. She couldn't believe that the man she'd had a crush on for years and never though she'd have a chance with had actually admitted that he loved her... It was a dream come true! 


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