High Five!

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"Hey, Jodie! Get your ass out of bed, we're leaving in ten minutes!" Knoxville shouted through Jodie's door.

"Okay! I'll be ready in a sec!" Jodie rocketed out of bed and speedily got herself ready. She threw on her Batman t-shirt, stripy blue hoodie, purple jeans and black converse before going into the bathroom and cleaning herself up and putting on her pale pink eye shadow and red lipstick. She chucked her sketchbook, phone and a few other things into her bag and shot out of her room and crashed into Knoxville.

"Oh shit! Sorry, Johnny!"

"It's alright, Jodie! I take it you're ready to go?"

She nodded. "I sure am, what are we up to today?"

"We're doing a few pranks today because everybody's coming in later. Me, you and Wee-man are the first ones in today."

"Awesome! Let's get going then!"

Knoxville, Jodie and Wee-man all hopped into Knoxville's car and soon arrived at the studio. Jodie excitedly trotted in, looking forward to pranking the other guys.

"We're gonna do the High-Five today, like I told you about the other day." Knoxville told Jodie.

"Cool!" She smiled as they walked into the kitchen. Suddenly the hand smacked both her and Knoxville, sending them flying backwards. They glanced up and saw Jeff walk through, laughing at them. 

"Oh, you got us so good!" Knoxville laughed as he jumped to his feet. Jodie jumped up too, also laughing. Partly at the prank and partly at Knoxville's infectious and hilarious laugh.

"Jesus Christ, that thing is damn powerful!" She shouted as they all chortled together.

Throughout the morning they managed to hit Ryan and Ehren, who they'd told to carry a tray of soup into the kitchen. After they hit Ehren, an idea hit Jodie.

"WeshouldantiqueBam!" She quickly stammered, nobody understanding a word she'd said.

"We should what?" Wee-man questioned.

She deeply exhaled before saying, "We should antique Bam! We could tape some bags of flour to the hand and when he comes through BANG!"

Everybody loved the idea, and when Bam eventually arrived in the studio and the hand smacked him in an explosion of flour it was perfect!

Towards the end of the day when many pranks had been filmed and everybody had their fun, Jodie lay on one of the two sofas in one of the studio's rooms, Knoxville laying on the other sofa.  

"Today's been so much fun, Knoxville." She smiled as she sat up and yawned.

"It sure was! We have SO many more pranks planned, you excited?" Knoxville asked her, also sitting up.

"I sure as hell am! What other stunts are we gonna do?"

"Well, we're gonna do one called Roller Buffalo tomorrow, and next week or the week after we're gonna do the Ram Jam and film the opening scene!"

"Cool! Those sound so fun, I can't wait!" She smiled.

Later on Jodie left with Knoxville, as he had promised to drive her back to the hotel.

"We're going out for a group dinner tonight, you in?"

"Sure, where are we going?"

"Just some place around the corner from the hotel, nothing too fancy. Meet me downstairs at about seven if you want."

Jodie nodded in agreement as they arrived at the hotel and she went to her room to freshen herself up. She changed her t-shirt to one with a tiger on (which was her favourite animal) and put on a deep blue cardigan. She played on her phone for a bit before going downstairs to wait for the other guys.

Knoxville entered the hotel lobby a few minutes later and they left to walk to the restaurant. Knoxville told Jodie that the other guys would be meeting them there. As they walked around the corner Jodie smiled and waved when she saw that Chris and Steve-O were waiting outside of the restaurant.

"Hey, guys!" Jodie skipped up to them and gave them each a quick hug. 

"Hey Jodie, hey Knoxville!" He greeted them both, "Where's everybody else?"

"Oh yeah, there's something we should probably tell you two..." Knoxville said.

Jodie and Chris gave Steve-O and Knoxville a confused look.

"You know how we said we were meeting the other guys here?" Steve-O continued, "Well, they aren't coming. Let's just say that we booked a table for two and it's got your names on it..." Knoxville and him both smiled.

"A table for two? You mean, like a date?" Jodie asked.

Knoxville shrugged his shoulders, "If that's what you wanna call it then yeah, it's a date! Me and Steve are gonna leave you pair to it, have fun!" They waved as they walked away, "Oh, and here's my wallet! Spend as much as you want!" Steve-O winked as he threw an unaware Knoxville's wallet to Jodie.

She turned to face Chris, clutching the wallet tightly. She hadn't a clue what to say, so she just bit her lip and glanced awkwardly at the ground.

Chris broke the silence after a few seconds. "So, are we just gonna stand here awkwardly or are we gonna go in and eat? Because I'm starving!"  

"Sure, I'm starving too!" Jodie nodded with a giggle as Chris pushed open the restaurant's door.


I just wanna say thank you so so much to loveedanandphil for the idea for this chapter!

Go read their awesome story "It's about time"! :) (Seriously, it's awesome!)


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