Jodie really hates flying.

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After shoving a few clothes into her bag (and then having to take them out, fold them and put them back in) and packing the rest of the things she'd need on her holiday, Jodie was finally ready for her trip to the USA.

"Thanks for driving me, Mom." She said as she hugged her Mother and jumped out of her car, carrying the two bags she'd packed.

"No problem, honey-pie! Enjoy yourself in the States and send me plenty of pictures sweetie!" Her mother called after her as she watched her enter the airport before driving away.

Jodie gazed around the airport. The fear of flying that she'd pushed away for years had surfaced with a vengeance.

Later, after all of the security checks and boring airport stuff, Jodie was finally sitting in her plane seat. She was excited yet nervous (or as she put it, 'nervouscited') to be going further away from home than she'd ever been in her 21 years of living. Her breathing was heavy and her palms were sweaty, but it was far too late for her to back out of it now! And besides, she wasn't going to give up a free trip to America!

Jodie was far too absorbed by her fear to notice that a man sat down next to her. Her only focus was on keeping calm. It probably wasn't a good idea to have watched Final Destination a few days prior. Scratch that, it DEFINITELY wasn't a good idea.

"You alright?" The man asked, noticing her terror.

"I-I'm fine, just a little nervous, thanks." She replied. The man's voice sounded so familiar to Jodie, but she was too scared to really take any notice.

"It'll be fine, just sit back and enjoy the ride..." The man said in his American accent before yawning and checking his phone.

"I'll try, thanks for the advice." She giggled a little and exhaled deeply. She closed her eyes and tried to relax.

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