Jeff Tremaine!

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"I can't believe I'm really here!" Jodie's voice was squeaky with excitement, and she practically skipped alongside the guys into the studio.

"Ah, you finally made it!" A voice greeted them as they entered. Jodie glanced over and saw none other than Jeff Tremaine, walking towards them!

Everybody said their hello's to him, and then he spotted Jodie standing next to Knoxville.

"Who are you?" Jeff asked her.

"I'm Jodie!" She introduced herself with a handshake and a smile, "I met Steve-O and he said I could be on the set, if that's alright with you?"

Jeff looked at Steve-O and he nodded, confirming to him that she wasn't just a crazed fan who's managed to sneak in. That had happened a couple of times before and it was damn near impossible to get them out.

"Sure! It'll be great to have a girl on the set for a change, maybe you could keep these guys in line!"

"Pfft, you wish! You should've seen them last night, nobody can control this lot! Especially not me!"

They all laughed and the rest of the day consisted of the guys catching up with Jeff and coming up with ideas for stunts and pranks.


Sorry this part is so short, it's more filler than anything. The next part should be longer! ;)

Karazy in love (A Jackass fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora