Blushing like a strawberry

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Everybody in the room could see that Jodie had started blushing. She couldn't exactly hide it either, because she had her long, dark brown hair tied into a loose ponytail as she always wore it and all she was wearing was a t-shirt decorated with Adventure Time characters, denim jeans and black socks. Nevertheless, she sat up a little more and straightened her clothes, trying to make sure she looked a little nicer.

Jodie looked expectantly at the door as Knoxville hopped off the bed that everyone was seated on and to open it. He greeted the friend he hadn't seen for such a long time with a hug and a grin before inviting him in. The first thing Chris Pontius noticed upon entering the room was that everybody was comically gathered on the room's king-size bed, squashed together. The second thing he noticed was the girl sitting right in the middle of the bed, staring at him with a mixture of admiration and love in her hazel eyes, her peach coloured lips curled into the cutest smile and her round freckled cheeks flushed the exact shade of the petals of a rose.

"Hey guys!" He greeted everybody. They greeted him back with huge grins on their faces, happy that their friend had finally arrived. Steve-O, who Jodie was huddled next to, budged over so that Chris could sit between both of them. And when I say sit between them, I really mean just about squeeze between them. For what was stated to be a king-size bed, it wasn't very large!

"And you are?" He faced Jodie.

"I'm-uh..." She mumbled as Chris' beautiful brown eyes locked with hers.

"This is Jodie!" Steve-O spoke for her, jokingly kissing Pontius' cheek as he often did and laughing. "She's gonna be on the set of Jackass 3!" Jodie nodded, grinning at Pontius.

"Cool!" He smiled back.

"You're damn right it is!" She giggled, trying to act casual and kind of failing at it.

The rest of the night consisted of the guys catching up and laughing, coming up with epic stunt ideas and just generally having a good time. They got to know more about Jodie, from where she was from to why and how she got there. They all listened to her, knowing that she'd be great on the Jackass set. She talked fairly confidently, hoping that they all liked her and thought she was interesting and cool.

After a night of talking and joking, Jodie lay back on the bed. She was absolutely exhausted, from both not sleeping and from the sheer excitement of meeting her idols. 

Bam grinned a mischievous grin as he saw that she'd fallen asleep and trotted into the kitchen, a devious plan in his mind...     

Karazy in love (A Jackass fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now