Chapter 5

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We drive for about an hour aimlessly. Slowly I feel my anxiousness fading away and I focus on being with Kyle instead of Lewis.

Then he stops the bike at the cemetery. "What are we doing here?"

"I thought you might want to visit." We walk to my father's grave. I don't bother talking to him. If he could hear us, he would have helped  us. He's gone. I miss him, I miss our old family, I miss our perfect cliché family.

"Who were you visiting when I saw you at Dad's funeral?"


"I saw you. You had flowers and you put them on a grave somewhere."

"Oh." He looks away for a minute, "My great grandma."

"That's so sweet that you come and see her." I try to smile but I probably look like a mess. "Lewis." I sigh, "Dad died on my first day back at school in a motor-cycle accident. Lewis must have freaked when he saw me on yours. Around the time Dad died, Lewis' his girlfriend told him she was cheating. He's been an angry mess since. That pushed him off the edge mentally. I'm trying to look after everyone. I can't by myself. Grandma is staying with us now. She's helping out. And... I have anxiety so I'm as messy as they are."

"No Kristen. You're not. You don't realise how strong you are." I look up to see him. The intensity in his gaze is stronger than I expected and I find it hard to look away. He slowly brings his hand up to my cheek and brushes his fingers against it.

I close my eyes at the gentle caress. I take a final deep breath and open them again. "Are you ready to go home?" He says in a hushed whisper.

"I can't go back. I think I'll head over to Bridget's and stay the night."

"Do you need to pick up anything?"

"I already have stuff at Bridget's for emergencies like this."

"Ok. Let's go."


It didn't take too long to explain everything to Bridget. Her parents let me stay as long as I called Grandma and told her where I was.

"Hey Gran."

"Oh dear, I hope Lewis didn't hurt you."

"Did you see?"

"Only through the kitchen window. Don't worry dear, by tomorrow everything will be alright."

"I hope so."

Before I knew it, it was home group again and I was sitting next to Kyle. Mr. Graw announced that we have a camp soon. There was lots of whispers around the class. Fortunately for us, Mr. Graw got a call from somewhere and left us alone. I walk to Harmony and we chat about the camp for a bit.

When Mr. Graw returns, he tells us we have an assembly. So the class all stands up and we head towards the assembly room. It's a huge rectangular room. At the front there is a stage and opposite are rows of blue seats. I see Bridget and her class at the back, my class sits at the front. I find myself stuck between Harmony and Kyle. Kyle and I didn't talk much this morning.

We find out the assembly is about the camp. Which is next week. Even though it's only four days, I get really worried about camps. Mostly because I have anxiety attacks randomly. I could have one, or more, at the camp. It would be embarrassing and frightening. I've just got to hope for the best.

Kyle sits really close to me and I can't stop thinking about it and the way his green eyes scan the room. "What are you staring at?" He whispers. He isn't facing me, but I'm facing him.

"You." Kristen?! Did you seriously just say that?!

"I thought so." He turns to look at me and he's wearing a sly and know-it-all grin. I feel someone pat me on the shoulder and I turn around. Mr. Graw gives me the most menacing glare.

"You are being very disrespectful. Kristen, go and sit at the back next to Mrs. McGuire." I stand up hesitantly and walk in the other direction. I can hear Kyle snickering.

The bell rings for recess after that. Since I sat at the back, I'm the last one to leave. Thankfully Mr. Graw wasn't there waiting to give me a lecture on talking during assembly.

Whoops... spoke to soon. Mr. Graw opens the door to the assembly room for me then slams it shut behind my back. "Kristen, I am very disgusted with your attitude today. I saw you roll your eyes as you walked to the back. And for that, I want you to help out the librarians. A new set of books arrived and they are having trouble stacking them all. Go at lunch. And next time, it will be detention."

"Ok. Sorry Mr. Graw." I say weakly and walk away.

"Kristen, don't give me attitude!" I quickly snap around and see Kyle teasing me.


"Your face! You looked so scared!" He says in between gasps. He's still laughing at me.

"That wasn't funny Kyle. I thought you were Mr. Graw."

"I know. That's what makes it so..." He starts, "hilarious!"

"Shut up loser."

"When I'm with you, I feel more like a winner."

"How come you didn't get into trouble?" I say, ignoring his previous comment.

"Because I'm brilliant."

We walk together till I see Bridget and then he leaves. Bridget raises her eyebrows as I watch him walk off. "Why were you talking to him?"

"Why can't I? There isn't anything wrong with him." I retort.

"I get your into the whole bad boy thing at the moment-"

"Who says I'm... he's not a bad boy."

"Uh, yes he is. He drives a motor-cycle, swears to teachers faces and is an absolute jerk. All quality bad boy traits."

"He's not an 'absolute' jerk." I say shaking my head.

"You do like him." She says and smiles in the direction that he left. "I know you Kristen. Harmony and I have been your best friends since we were like... six. We know you well enough by now."

"Of course you do." I say sarcastically.

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