"Hey." I mumbled, "How's your foot?"

"All healed up, thanks for asking." he said.

I looked at him shocked and confused, no wound heals that quick, especially a gun wound.


"You have your secrets, I have mine." he chuckled.

"Fine, we already finished the work, so unless you want to make some actual bombs and toxic gas, I'm out." I said resting my head on the desk.

"Can you tell me something about yourself?"

"Sure, I hate it when people ask questions about me and stalk me." I said annoyed.

"I was going for something more personal, but I'll take what I can get." he chuckled.

"Let's just say I don't like sharing stuff about myself." I said looking down at the desk. I decided to have some fun, so I grabbed a bunch of chemicals and started mixing them together. When I was done I lit them on fire, to make green flames, just like Maleficent!

If you are wondering who would let a student like me grab chemicals for their own fun, remember once again, I am basically the Queen in this school. The teachers have given up on telling me what to do, so I can just do whatever I want.

I chuckled at the flames dancing, then ran and got a banana from the cafeteria. I grabbed a container of liquid nitrogen, and dropped it in. A few seconds later I reached in and grabbed it.

"ELSA!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? YOU NEED GLOVES!!!" Jack said trying to yank my hand out of the container. Silly boy thinks my hand will freeze off. I can be colder than liquid nitrogen both physically and mentally at any given time.

"No I don't, the cold doesn't bother me." I shrugged him and pulled the banana out. He gasped to see my hand perfectly fine, "I'm a blizzard." I chuckled.

I dropped it on the desk and watched it shatter. I picked the chunks up and offered them to Jack.

"Food for though?" I offered, and he busted out laughing and took a chunk and sucked on it. I did the same and smiled while watching the green flames.

"Cool flames, reminds me of Maleficent." he said taking another chunk of frozen banana.

"I know, most people see it as evil or eerie, but I see it as unique and special. Though most people commonly confuse the two. They don't understand that it is okay to be different and things can change." I said. It was true, back when I was at the agency no one understood me because of my powers, and saw me as a monster. Only my parents and Manny saw that what I had was truly a gift, and that it could be used for the greater good.

"It sounds like you had that speech prepared." he chuckled.

"If only you knew." I chuckled back, "So, tell me what exactly are you?"

"What?" he asked confused.

"Well, I know you are not a Nightmare, so what are you? Spy, secret agent, assassin, or just new generation of stalker?"

"Are we being completely honest here?" he asked.

"Sure, you tell me something about you, I'll tell you something about me." I shrugged. I didn't like to, but I needed to at least know what I was dealing with here.

"Deal! I'm a combination of the first three, the stalking part is not really my sort of thing."

"I've noticed." I chuckled and he laughed too.

"Alright, my turn. Wow, where do I even start? I know nothing about you!" he said.

"I find it easy to start out small and branch out." I said.

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