Chapter Twenty-Seven- Farewell Kisses and Guy Best Friends

Start from the beginning

What I need.

Here we go with the issues. Noemi has asked to meet me again sometime and I promised to give her a call when I'm free. I haven't done it because Michael was consuming all my free time. There was so much to think about. Noemi, work, the upcoming semester. I'm not sure I could handle it all at the same time.

He was about to say something but we were both startled. His phone was vibrating inside his suit pocket. "You should go."

"Promise to answer when I call. Or at least send a message."

"Promise. I'll see you in two weeks."

"Yes, you will."

With that and one sweet kiss, I watched his SUV drove out of sight. I received a sweet text from him a few seconds later. Then when my phone screen went black I saw how awful I looked. It made me smile that Michael didn't care about it. God, I lov-.


Since almost every person I know in Manila has gone to their hometowns, I only had Rico to hang out with. He was a welcomed distraction from thinking about Michael being out of the country. It has only been four days but it felt like four years.

He stayed true to his promise to call me. At exactly 9 PM on my time, my phone would ring with his gorgeous face flashing on the screen. We'd talk about our day and how much we miss each other. Thank god for FaceTime.

Rico and I met almost every day for coffee. He was asking me for song ideas. Apparently, he was starting to write songs for the band. He even shared a top secret that an agent had asked them for an appointment with a recording company. It was big news since I know how SoM started. It was such a huge milestone for them to have a company interested in working with them.

We met at The Luncheon today for lunch. As we ate our lasagna, I was helping him with some of his lyrics. I never thought Rico could write songs. He was quite serious about the feelings in the song like he was writing from his or someone's experience. Although his first song was about falling for someone who was in love with someone else. Quite sad in opinion.

I wish you knew

I wish I could tell you

But all I could do

Was wish for you

I was focused reading the first part of his chorus when I realized he was saying something. "Huh?"

"I said, sing with me next week." he repeated.


"The band was supposed to sing for Deandra but the guys won't be back until Friday next week. I still have to do it but I don't wanna do it alone."




"Really? Wow. Okay. I didn't expect you to say yes immediately. These are the songs I had in mind. Tell me if you want to sing something. We'll do it." He handed me the set list and some song lyrics.

Rico was obviously excited with it making me feel the same way. I have missed singing more than I thought I did. I scanned the songs and the first thing I noticed was that it was mostly duets. Some happy songs and a few mellow ones. I can't help but think he has been planning about asking for some time. He didn't expect to agree but was prepared.

I was glad he was around. I enjoyed our songwriting sessions. He has been sweet, funny and thoughtful. He was like my guy best friend.

Thursday, we had another song-writing session at The Luncheon. Friday, we went to see a romantic comedy. All I could think about that day was Michael and I never saw a movie together. I made a note to self to ask him to go one time.

By Saturday, Rico invited me to dinner with his family. It was his dad's birthday and they planned a small dinner in their garden. I actually had a great time. I've spent a couple of Christmases with the family and I've missed their warmth and humor. Rico was the youngest of five children. All his brothers and sisters were married with kids. If I remember correctly, his age gap with the fourth was twelve years. Mr. and Mrs. De Vera didn't expect him to come along but he did. Imagine how spoiled he could be but he wasn't. I can say they raised him well.

There were a lot of photos that night because one his nieces, Julie was a thirteen-year old aspiring photographer. She posted all the photos online. Including one that Rico and I were in plus a little baby Sasha in my arms. So yeah, a man, a woman and a baby with a beautiful home in the background. It looked like one hell of a family picture. I liked the photo when Julie showed it to me. I didn't think it would be such a big deal. But then, there was one person who called right up as soon as I was tagged in the photo.

"Nice photo." was his sarcastic greeting. I was already home when he called. Thank god.

"Good evening to you too, Michael."

"Now I know why you missed my 9PM call."

"I had fun in case you're wondering."


More silence.

"I'm sorry I missed your call. I lost track of time."

"Because you're with him." he hissed.

"It was his dad's birthday, Michael. It was just dinner."

"You've known his family?"

Why do I feel like I was making the situation worse? "Of course, I do. His mom is professor. I've spent a couple of Christmases with them."


What does he expect me to say? "Oh I don't know because some holidays Kyla had overseas plans with her family so I couldn't come to her home and I didn't want to be alone on Christmas. I really don't know Michael. Why do you think?" I snapped.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't m-."

"It's fine. I'm sorry too. I could untag myself from the photo if it really bothers you. It's just a picture. You don't need to be jealous."

"But I am."

"I miss you."

"I love you."

Please don't hate me. I just saw it's almost a month since I updated. I'm so sorry but you know life happens. Thank you for the patience. I hope you like this chapter. I have no idea when I could update. Please continue to be patient and supportive.

VOTE. COMMENT. SHARE. I really appreciate every feedback. Plus, I think I need more motivation to write. The 9K reads was a good start. Thanks y'all! :D

PS: Dedicated to beeyotch. She's my new favorite WP Author. I've been reading her book Just The Benefits. It's Tagalog-English so my Filipino readers (hopefully I have some) could check it out. It's really a good read. Okay, more like AWESOME! :D

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