.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} [3]

Start bij het begin

"If you wanted something new with your hair, we could of taken you to a salon or called your mother's family's hair stylist." Kuro explained.

"It's alright. I don't want to spend that much money on just my hair, besides, I don't want to bother my mom's family."

"Nonsense. They wouldn't mind. They love you just as much as your father's family side does."


Eri walked into the host club, adjusting her uneven messenger bag strap before being thrown a kimono and haori by Honey.

"What's this for, Honey-Senpai?" Her eyebrows furrowed, trying to guess as she looked at the kimono.

Her kimono was simply colored a pastel blue with a black obi with it. A darker shade of blue haori accompanied it.

"Its for the theme today." Honey said with a smile.

"This club has themes?" She questioned in disbelief.

"Yep! The Host Club is having a flower-viewing reception in the cherry blossom grove. Don't I look cute in mine?" Honey spun around in his and then Kyoya stepped out from one of the changing rooms.

"What did you think keeps the girls coming to this club? The host members' good looks?" He straightened his tie on his waiter uniform with a chuckle.

"Well...yeah." Eri muttered before placing her bag down and entering the changing rooms.


'Should I...say something...?' Eri thought to herself as she watched Honey stir some tea a little too fast. She was sitting with Honey, Mori, Haruhi and two clienteles on tatami mats outside under some cherry trees, watching Honey make tea.

"Uh, Hon-" Eri decided to speak up before the mats got anymore wet.

"Mitsukuni." Takashi cut in. "You've lost too much."

Honey stopped. He saw that Mori was right and he was about to cry when one of the girls quickly took the bowl.

"Honey-kun, I'll take it! It looks so delicious!"

She then drank what little was left in the bowl.

"Yes, that's the exact amount of it I wanted to have! You're amazing Honey-kun! How ever did you know?" The other girl asked, doing her best to reassure Honey. Mori then took out some sushi and dango.

"Really?" Honey said, his eyes big and sparkly.

The girls both nodded. Haruhi sighed, got up and left. Eri waved to her before drawing her attention back to Honey, Mori and her clienteles.

"How 'bout I make the next batch of tea, Honey-senpai?" She suggested, not wanting the mat to be even more soaked with Honey's tea making.

"Do you even know how to make it, Eri-chan?" He looked a little concerned at her.

"I'm sure I can handle it." Eri smiled lightly, setting up the ingredients to make the tea.


"Alright thank you for visiting the Host Club!" Eri waved to the last group of girls before sighing in relief. The kimono was getting kind of hot on her.

It was the end of the reception and she was walking past the host members when Tamaki said the club can no longer keep Haruhi as a girl.

"What do you mean "no longer"?" She asked, wondering as to why Tamaki would say something like that.

"You don't have to rush things." Hikaru said, swaying side to side with his brother. "She'll be found out soon enough anyway. Not to mention Eri-senpai too."

.:Drawing Rose Petals:. (Takashi Morinozuka Love Story) {OHSHC} (HIATUS)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu