Chapter forty six: Never should of brought Emry's

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Hi guys

One quick thing if you like this story then you like the new thing i have decided to do its like one shots on either Merlin or Arthur best thing to do it go check it out and let me know what you think lol you find it on my profile you can't miss it

Right any way back to this story

Here is chapter 46

You get to find out who is using Alex and Amy in this chap so best thign to do is just read and



Merlin’s POV

It seemed like they had travelled for hours and maybe it was, Merlin couldn’t tell but as it began to get dark Amy and Alex decided to stop for the night.

Alex got Merlin down from the horse looking at him weirdly “You are so thin you need to eat more” spoke Alex.

“Yeah right that’s going to happen when I am servant to the Prince of Camelot as well as his protector” laughed Merlin.

“Yeah the way you run after him it’s no surprise you’re so thin and let a known the fact that you hardly get time to eat” laughed Gwen.

Amy and Alex at this particular time looked at both Merlin and Gwen clearly not understand what was so funny.

Merlin and Gwen decided to keep quiet after that not really wanting to cause any problems.

Alex’s spell was powerful Merlin was sure of that and he now had managed to create an invisible rope which now tied him to a tree.

Amy had tied Gwen to a tree too with the same spell.

Merlin tried to get a little more comfortable but he knew it was unlikely he get any sleep anyway.

“Excuse me could you possible give some food to Gwen she has not ate all day either” said Merlin kindly to his two kidnapper’s

Amy looked over at Merlin but clearly didn’t care and continued to eat.

Alex sighed got up and gave Gwen and fed her some bread before he went over to Merlin and sat down next to him.

“You care dearly about Gwen” said Alex.

“I do” said Merlin.

“We care about our people we are outcasts are magic is weak and we get attacked and treated badly but we stand up for what we believe in we are called the source of good because we allow anyone in who has magic or no where to go we do all we can but as I said we are weak we need someone to help us become stronger and no one can do that then the almightily Emry’s. We cannot do it without you” said Alex.

“I understand why you are doing this but I really....well you already know I don’t want to be here” said Merlin sadly.

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