Chapter Five: Gobsmacked

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I do not own Merlin

This is a short chapter but hope you enjoy ^^

Arthur POV

It had been two days since he had told his father how he truly felt but he didn't regret a single word, besides Merlin hadn't heard a single word and hopefully it would stay that way. Kira had heard but he promised he would not say anything to Merlin unless he said otherwise.

He had always thought Merlin as just his servant but as the days, turned into months things changed and now all these years later he could final accept that Merlin is his friend, probably his best friend.

Arthur knew his feelings for sure now but he had no idea when he would tell Merlin this besides he liked the arguing and the torment that goes on between them. That was what made Merlin different to other servants and that was why deep inside Merlin did count as a friend  to him.

Merlin POV

Arthur had been avoiding him for two days now and he was surprised that he had given him two days off too. Gaius had told Merlin it would be best for him to rest but the infection was gone now and there was no sign of Arthur storming into his room ordering him to start doing his chores. Even King Uther had been acting slightly strange from what Gwen and Gwaine had been telling him.

When ever his name was mentioned in front of the king he went silent before letting people be dismissed or let of encase they had been late. It did not make much sense to Merlin but he just didn't dwell on it much.

It was late afternoon and Gaius and Kira had been out all day so fare so Merlin had been in his room catching up on his magic spells. The magic book was laid out in front of him then he heard someone enter the other room. He quickly used his magic to send the book flying under his bed just as Arthur entered his room.

"Arthur," Merlin said quiet loudly with out realizing it.

"Merlin why are we shouting?" asked Arthur.

"No reason so I have not seen you in a while," Merlin smiled slightly.

"Oh yes been really busy. I was speaking to Gaius earlier and he told me you are a lot better, so I came to make sure you will be back to work tomorrow morning?" he asked.

"Of course sire," Merlin said softly back.

"Good, well to freshen you up in the morning you can clean my floor, it's really dirty while I am at the meeting and then you can...,"he stopped looking at Merlin with a smile.

"Just come in the morning have a good evening," he said before leaving Merlin looking gobsmacked.

Kira's POV

Kira found himself pleased he had helped Gaius all day and he had enjoyed every minute of it but he couldn't wait till Merlin was back to work and then they could find sometime to catch up about spells, he knew about the spell book Merlin had because Merlin had told him about it and he also promised to help him learn a few things.

"Kira could you please deliver this for me while I go back to our chambers to sort out dinner it will be ready the time you are back I will make sure Merlin gets of his lazy backside and sits with us this time," Gaius said with a jokey voice.

"Yeah that will please him," Kira smirked as he took the bottle in Gaius hand with a piece of parchment with a name on who it should be delivered too. Gaius headed back to his chambers while Kira headed towards the Kings chambers to give him his medicine for his old battle wound.

Kira hadn't noticed at the time as he headed towards the King's chambers that someone was watching him. "I found you at last Kira and no one will take you from me again".

Merlin's POV

When Gaius returned he looked quite happy and entered Merlin's room with a smile.

"Kira is just dropping of Uther's Medicine, so you can help me do dinner and then you can join us," he smiled.

"Of course Gaius I am fine now anyway I could have gone back to work today its weird Arthur is acting odd since what happened and from what I have heard so is Uther," he said to his guardian as he watched him leave the room and Merlin got out of his bed and followed him.

"Nothing to worry about Merlin maybe after what happened they are both still on the edge."

"Yeah but still it is not like Arthur to tell me to have a good evening," said Merlin curiously.

"He said that?" asked Gaius with a grin on his face.

"I know I guess I should be grateful."

Gaius and Merlin sorted out dinner and had it all laid out on the table just as Kira returned. Merlin watched as Kira joined him and his guardian.

"Gaius" said Kira.

"Yes Kira is something wrong".

"No it's just...Uther he wants Merlin to go to his chambers right now," said Kira.

 "What for" Gaius began.

"It's alright Gaius you too eat dinner I be back as soon as I can I eat mine when I get back."

"Merlin I think he can wait...we not sat down and ate together in ages," said Gaius.

"I would agree Gaius, however it did seem pretty argent," said Kira softly.

"Fine you best go see him then," said Gaius in an angry voice.

"Gaius" Merlin began.

"I am not angry with you Merlin now get going," he smiled.

Merlin left Gaius and Kira who already started to eat and headed towards king Uther's chambers wondering what he wanted with him. He knocked and heard Uther's voice

"Come in."

The guards stepped aside and allowed Merlin to enter. He found the king staring out the window. Merlin watched as the king turned around and looked at him for a few seconds before Merlin spoke.

 "Kira said you wanted to see me," said Merlin bowing.

"Yes I did...the events that happen a couple of days ago...I was wrong to accuse you, wrong to believe are a sorcerer...and then I was going to just let Mor...her take you," the king managed to say.

"Sire I," began Merlin.

 "No Merlin I am sorry for everything that I was going to let happen, I am sorry that I was blind to see that you where trying to protect me not kill me or enchant me you have always been loyal to my son and I should have considered that," said Uther.

"Sire its alright I know sometimes we have to make bad choices, two of your knights were missing," Merlin tries to say.

"Merlin do not try to defend my actions...I was wrong lets just leave it there I am going to try not be as hasty and unfair on decisions I make, you can go now Merlin," said Uther.

"My lord."

"And Merlin...keep doing what you do for my son".

Merlin nodded at Uther before he left and walked silently back to Gaius's chambers feeling gobsmacked for the second time in the same day thinking what the heck was happening but he wasn't complaining.

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