Chapter seven: Kira sneaks out

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hi guys again lol here is the next chapter it pretty short but i just really wanted to leave it at this cliff hanger comment, fan a vote mean a lot thanks and Enjoy          


Kira's POV

He found himself wondering how he knew something had happened to Merlin and Gaius seemed to be worried too but told him not to tell Merlin about this so he didn't but deep inside he wanted too. Merlin was keeping something from Gaius and Kira too, Kira could tell he had no idea what it was apart from it had something to do with who tried to kidnap him, Gaius kept asking Merlin about it but Merlin avoided the question all together or ignored Gaius and now he has been not returning to the chambers too till very late.

Kira didn't understand what was going on and he just wanted to learn some new spells from Merlin but he still hadn't had a chance to do that which was beginning to annoy him but if Merlin was in a mood or something was wrong Kira was not going to push him to help him learn some new spells because Merlin is his friend and he didn't want to lose him as one either.

Merlin's POV

It was clear that Kira and Gaius was hiding something from him but he also hadn't told them the real reason he had been kidnapped by the woman and man and he didn't know whether to tell them because he didn't want Kira worrying.

 Merlin had also been trying to avoid them about this for the last two days and even Arthur was beginning to think something was wrong. Merlin kept getting this horrible feeling that the worse was yet to come, everything just seemed so fine with his friends, with Arthur and even Uther and Merlin wanted it so much to stay like that hoping Arthur would be alright until he became king but Merlin knew Morgana was still out there with her sister.

He still had fears about what might happen in the coming days, weeks months even. That worried him.

Merlin knew he should continue like everything was alright and he needed to find sometime to learn some new spells not only for himself but also Kira because he had promised him but how could he get around it without him bringing up the kidnapping.

Merlin didn't want that coming up now or ever. Arthur had been talking about him behind his back to the knights of Camelot and Gwen about how unstable he seemed lately, how he kept ending up in trouble but Merlin didn't know why or less Arthur really was just worried about him.

Merlin knew deep inside Arthur does have some kind of feelings for him but he could never be sure until Arthur said that. Merlin was sitting on a step in the courtyard, it was getting late but Merlin didn't want to go back to his chambers to face Kira or Gaius and he wasn't really hungry either.

 He had finished his chores hours ago for Arthur but he was still covered in dung from the horse stables and he knew he should return soon to get cleaned up but that was when he spotted two people with hoods over them sneaking around and like always Merlin had to go check it out.

He picked himself up from the step and followed quickly but making sure he stayed far away so they didn't notice he was following them. Merlin didn't know then and neither did Arthur when he watched his servant walk away that no one would see Merlin for a while and Merlin didn't know he wouldn't  see Kira, Gaius or Arthur for a while either.

Arthur's POV

"I let him walk off, I should of followed him its my fault!" said Arthur loudly.

"Arthur you can not blame yourself he of course wanted his space," said Gwen.

"Yes I know but it is obvious that he went off to have his space but we now know something is wrong he would have been back by now its been a day I am so worried," said Arthur and for the first time not regretting saying those words.

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