Chapter 18

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I grabbed a fistful of blankets and pulled them over my eyes. The sun beaming into the room through the red curtains was too much for my head to handle. Wait a curtains? Where am I? I squinted, the room was blurry but I could tell I haven't seen it before. The throbbing in my head was getting worse. I kept scanning my surroundings until things began to come a little more clear. I saw a hotel suite, with big couches, a tv, and something gold.... oh my god.

There on the floor, kicked into a tiny ball was my dress. I was almost afraid to look, but I peaked to the right of me. Amongst the fluffy duvet there was a messy ball of brunette bed-head. 

"Shit,"I swung the covers up in the air and looked underneath. I was wearing an oversized grey t-shirt over my underwear. 

Small groans came from beside me. Josh rolled over and his eyes slowly fluttered open. He was shirtless. A feeling like stage fright churned in my stomach.

"Morning," he yawned.

I pulled the blankets closer to my chin, I tried to speak but I didn't know what to say. My temples pounded with each breath I took. 

"M-m-orning," I stuttered.

Josh pushed himself up with his elbow and rested his cheek on his hand. "Are you okay, Jen?"

I bit my bottom lip, afraid to know the answer to the question I was about to ask. "Did we....?"

His eyebrows shot up, and his other hand grabbed mine. "Don't worry, nothing happened," he assured. "You don't remember a thing do you?"A wide grin spread across his face.

A flood of relief swept through my body and I finally felt like I could breathe again. I slumped over sideways, falling into Josh's chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Together we smelt like the inside of a brewery. 

"The last thing I remember is arriving to the party," I whined.

His chest began to shake and he stroked my tangled hair. "You're a mess."

"Tell me about it," my stomach was doing somersaults. "I'm glad it was you that took me back to your hotel, and not some stranger." 

A smirk crept over his lips. "I know, you told me last night. Now that I think of it, you said a lot of things."

I wiggled out of his arms to sit up. "Oh no."

He reached for his phone that was on the night stand beside him, and scrolled through his photo album. "I've got some great black mail videos."

I watched myself on the screen and my jaw dropped to the floor. I was wearing the same grey shirt that I am now that's only covering me by so much, and held the TV remote in my hand. My hair was messily sitting in a bun on the top of my head. I covered my mouth with my hand and watched.

"Tell me what you want to sing again, Jen." Josh had the camera facing him with a wide grin across his face, pointing to me in the background.

"Cher, duh!" He changed the camera's view so it was facing only me. I jumped onto the couch and bounced up and down.

Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough, no

I sang to his phone, and he sang in the background. I bowed at my performance and jumped off the couch cushions.

"I love you, Joshy." Then the video stops.

I looked over at him. "And what did you say after that?"

He shrugged and smiled. "You'll just have to remember."

My stomach did a backflip, growling obnoxiously. I don't know whether I should blame that on the butterflies or from too much to drink. I felt an instant heat flush my cheeks, and jumped up from the bed towards the bathroom.

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