Jess brushed her off and looked at me for an answer. "Sorry, I go where ever she goes." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Chris What about you?"

I think I just vomited in my mouth, girls can be dumb and I hate judging but Jess just showed us how she is a slut. She arched her boobs popping them toward Chris and then her voice. What happened?

"Sorry, already got invited to her party." Chris picked his books and put them in his bag. He grabbed his coffee, gave Judy and I a bye hug before leaving the cafeteria.

Ouch, talk about being blown off.

Jess together with her friends left the table leaving Judy in tears laughing.

"Chris is coming to your small victory party."

"I guess so." she was still laughing.

"We should get to class." I still wasn't sure about what Will said about Judy being okay. "So... Over at lunch... "

"Yeah about that, I have plans with Chris do you mind if I reschedule." she cut me before I even finished.

"Is it like a lunch date?"

"No, he will be showing me this project he is working on. Something about development and all and I am interested as hell."

Ok, something new I didn't know.

"Can you find something or someone to eat lunch with you?" jer begging voice is so adorable. If she only knew Will asked me to lunch, alone. There they are again, the butterflies doing splits.

"It is ok, you can for with Chris."

The smile that she had on her face stretched from ear to ear. I think she likes the guy but she doesn't know it you.

I got a text from Will to meet him at the music room second my class ended.

"I thought our date was on Saturday?" was this a date?

Stop thinking ahead of yourself Lakke.

"Can I say a mini date, I just couldn't wait till Saturday." he didn't look at me. He kept his eyes on the huge double doors.

He held them open and I was a bit disappointed not to see a laid out blanket with food spread on it, maybe a red rose to finally say he likes me. I mean that's what I read right?

"So where is the food?" I asked when he held out his hand for me to join him on the massive stage.

Confusion and fear came over his face but disappeared just as fast as it came.

"You want to eat now?"

"We were to have lunch, right?"

I think I love making him all worked up like this. If he only knew eating becomes a problem when ever am around.

"Ok then." he disappeared behind the red curtains.

This place is huge, and beautiful. I wonder how they wash the windows all the way up there. The light bulbs were hanging from the roof giving it a bit of a classy look. You know likethe ones on tv. Seats were all theater like and being on stage makes you feel all small even if there are no people there.

"The quietness of this place is what made me fall in love with this place." Will said from behind me, I turned to see him holding out a single round tray with two bottles of water. He placed the tray at the floor and sat crossing his legs.

"Am I the only one eating ting?" I joined him thanking my decision for wearing shorts.

"We are sharing this."

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