I choked back my drink. "Teach? You don't study here?" the surprise in my voice couldn't be hidden.

"It's not like I am officially hired by the school. It is like I help out with payment and some benefits."

"Like free food." Chris wiggled his brows.

Will smilled popping a piece of carrot in his mouth "What are you doing after lunch?"

"Nothing, I am done for the day." we haven't talked that much but I am sure I don't want to part from him. "You can help me study for math."

"I was hoping for that." the look he has on his eyes was enough to make make me full. It was like he could read my every thought and understand them one by one. I was not scared of what he was doing, I knew I would get hurt but he was like a light and i was a bug getting pulled in.

"What were you writing. " I pointed at the pad under his bag.

"Just something I do for my class." the way he said it there is definitely something behind it. He scooped a spoon full of his food and I noticed it for the first time, a piercing. A freaking toungue piercing. Didn't that hurt?

"No it didn't." he smiled his signature smile. The one that makes my stomach flip. Did I just ask that out loud.

"When did you get it?" told you he keeps on surprising me.

"Sixteen, I was sixteen when I got the toungue one."

Definitely a new. "How many do you have?

" Had is more like it." he started pointing at his brow, then his right ear, then left ear. The top of both his ear and finished pf with the right part of his ear. I don't know what came over me but my hand stretched to his lower lip. He didn't flinch, he eyes were on mine. I caressed the now heeled with no whole part and I felt it. Hard and lumpy. I liked how it felt, my hand beimg that close to his lips. Feeling how soft his skin is and his breath. It was cool over my skin and smelled like ginger. I think I am in love with ginger.

"Why did you keep the tongue one? " I barely whispered with my hand still on his lower lip.

His lips stretched into a devious smile that made my stomach turn. Both scared and exited at the same time. " I finally know what to do witn it."

I pulled my hand away fast, I think I got what he ment. That or maybe I am just crazy because the heat that rose in me was enough to set me on fire.

Agroan came from Judy and we all turned to look at her putting her phone back. "Mum wants me home that means we have to go Lakke."

Why didn't you tell her you were doing something or you had a lesson. If your hormones ain't dancing well mine are in need of some action. "Sure." I grabbed my tray.

"I will call you." Will said like it wasn't something he was supposed to do but like a promise that he wants to keep. I nodded before getting my bag and following Judy out.

"Am sorry for that but mum wants us home."she placed her tray on the counter before calling Maurice. I took that time to at the notice board, maybe get something to do on Fridays and Saturdays. The thought of Saturday reminded me of the date I have with Will. The comment on the tongue ring.

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