"Study time over." Judy bulged in startling me.  "I am dying of hunger."  she sat next to me.

Will stood up and rubbed his hands on his thighs, " So on Wednesday?" he grabbed his jacket off the bed.

"Wednesday?." i joined him walking out the room.

He turned around instantly making me walk into him, he held my shoulders and pulled me back.  "We are still hanging out after our lesson."

"Oh." My mind was on our date totally forgetting that. He smirked.

"Want to stay over for dinner, we are having pizza." Judy wiggled car keys above her head.

"Wait, we driving? " noticing what the keys meant.

"Yeap, talked to Maurice and he is giving us the car just don't mention anything to Tom yet, I am getting my license next week."

"Don't hit any one." Will stated going down the stairs taking two steps at a time.

"We won't." Judy replied following me down.  It was more of we can't be like you type of reply. Will waved a bye before getting out.

∞     ∞     ∞    

Nothing beats Judy's face once you fill her in on anything about Will or Chris.

"So funny how you come in and you get the hottest guy around after Jina." she picked a piece of pizza and sunk on her seat covering herself with the tiny quilt.

"What do you mean after Jina and I thought you didn't know Will?" suddenly couldn't take another bite of my half eaten pizza. It wasn't jealousy just curiosity.

She looked over and I guess am that readable, "It is nothing to be worried about."  she stated as a matter of fact.   "I didn't know Will like that, I saw him around you know at the mall and around the neighborhood oh and through Cindy's gossiping friends and him and Jina were like the..." she looked at the ceiling like trying to remember something. "Yes, snapping her fingers,  " Jay Z and Beyonce but with the girl being all famous and envied by men and women that they boy became a shadow." she downed the remaining of her soda.

"What happened?" chocking out the words so fast. I need to losen this curiosity belt.

She stood up speaking the rest of the words heading to the kitchen for a refill. "What happened is the mystery that everyone never talks about. But one thing is for sure Will has never been the same."  She had returned with the whole coke bottle.

"How long ago was that?" I poured some coke for me, I needed to flush out whatever was stuck on my throat.

"That was a decade ago." if Judy needs to know one thing about me is that I work with real numbers and she must have noticed my face.

I wonder what Chris meant by saying stay away from Jina and if it was all connected to Will. The fact that Will shooshed him on Sunday is not helping either.

"Don't worry about it, just have some fun. We are in collage right." she tossed a pillow at me finally noticing the screen being graced with the words of appreciation. "Cindy will kill us if she knew what we have been up to." Judy started clearing the coffee table.

"So what else don't I know about you?" we climbed the stairs for bed.

"As you can see I am fully black, unlike you." she jocked crossing over the bed for the bathroom. She does that every time she is here. She got her pj's on and started changing in front of me.  "I am 20,just turned last month. I am allergic to peanuts, I have never been kissed and I find boys hot but never seen myself under a blanket with one." 

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