Chapter Seven: Want to want me

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Chapter Seven: Want to Want me

"Girl, you're the one I want to want me
And if you want me, girl, you got me."


<< J A S O N >>

Jason simply didn't understand. What the hell did he do? That sh*t always works in books. You intrude, then act like your dating, and bamn she kisses you. Jason doesn't read the books not that he would ever admit it even if he did, not even to himself.

"Hey Bae." some cat purred, Jason hated being called bae, it was irritating. Slang and all was too stupid and comprehensive for him. But he just went with the stupid flow and turned his head up, and shamelessly turned it down again to her boobs. His action was not purposely done, more involuntarily forced by his teenage hormones. Blame him for doing what anyone would have done if boobs that size came up.  

A dark haired chick was the owner of those boobs. Jason turned his head up to find her with a perfect white smile like one of those ads. Her lips were a puking color of purple, but Jason could work with that. What's her name again? 

"So Jason. I was wondering if you could help me get something out of my car?" she whispered. Trying to be "sexy". Why can't she just straight up just say, Jason I want you and me to intertwine, Jason thought then regretted ever even thinking that, Nope that sounded even weirder. 

"Can't you get it yourself doll?" he responds hastily not feeling up for her crap. That stupid chick who dresses like she's 5, was stuck in his mind. An annoying cheesy song that replayed for too long.  April. Her dark brown eyes seemed so intimidating. Yet her smiles were sweet. And no Jason hadn't been staring at her at all. At all.

He turn around and walked out of the cafe. Cafe stood more for a place to get laid with a random high school chick. Jason didn't even know why I bothered coming here. Instead of clearing my mind it got him irritated. He walks putting his hands in his pocket as the air hits them. His face turning a shade of pink from the frost and delicate white he was born with.

Jason walks over to his car and gets inside. Putting the key into the ignition, as he turns the key nothing happens. He try again, but only get the same results. Frowning he opens the hood and slowly recalls having left the passenger seat open. Doomed to have drained his battery dead.

He closed the hood and walked inside the car, searching for his phone and finding it stuck in between the car seats. As he grabbed it, he tried turning it on, but just got black. Once again almost punching himself for forgetting to charge it.

He got out and saw there was only one solution. One solution he didn't mind at all. Jason walked towards April's house which was directly in front of the cafe. Her house could pass for one of those cartoon houses, he though as he knocked on the door.

April opened and before he could speak a word shut the door on his face, almost cutting his nose off. Jason knocked again. "Please let me explain. I swear I was about to leave. I just- well.." he trailed off not wanting her to find out how stupid he was.

After a few minutes the door opened and April scooted away. Jason walked inside, welcoming the warmth of the house. She closed the door behind him and walked up stairs to her room and immediately Jason walked after her. Striding along until he was inside and closing the door behind him. 

"Explain." she said her voice sharp as a knife. 

Jason shook my head trying to come up with a reasonable argument. "Well I was leaving, but some guy stole my car keys and phone while I wasn't looking, and that bastard ran off before I could even register what had happened." he lied. It was in his nature. Telling the truth was boring. Once in a while he had to make life interesting and he was trying to get her to fall for him not pity him.

"You lied." she said. 

He frowned. "No I didn't. Last time I checked that was what happened." 

"Your lying again." 

Jason scoffed. "How would you know?" he challenged her. 

"Your eyes, they twitch left, or my right. And I notice that as you are lying you thumb twitches. Also I saw the whole scene, with your car and all." she said with pride.  

Jason shook my head, amused. He hadn't heard of some chick talk like that. Or win an argument with him, simply no girl had ever defied him. "So April, now that I'm sleeping over, do you want to watch a movie?" he asked lightly, inviting myself as he did. 

"You know what. Sure, lets watch Netflix and chill. Make out under the covers. And sleep naked. You know what lets just skip that and end the world right now." her voice was laced with so much sarcasm, it could have been split into two.

"Sounds like a plan." he said clapping his hands going with her game. She was going to be sarcastic- he was going to act like he believed her. 

As planned she sighed. "I was being sarcastic." 

Jason simply ignored her and went on to undressing. He hated sleeping with clothes, it always got hot even in the winter. He stripped until there was nothing but his boxer left, his clothing scattered across the floor. "Did you say something?" he asked her, smirking as her eyes were glued to his toned abs. He prided himself in being fit. 

"I-uh.. You.. Can I touch them?" her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hand. 

Jason lifted an eyebrow. "And here I thought you wanted me to not sleep over." 

April puts her fingers through her hair, and stomped off to the bathroom. "This is gonna be along night." she said before slamming the door. 

Authors Note: Yepp Sleep over guys.. 

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