Chapter Thirteen: Wings

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Chapter Thirteen: Wings

"I'm in a foreign state
My thoughts they slip away
My words are leaving me
They caught an aeroplane
Because I thought of you
Just from the thought of you."


>> A P R I L <<

My eyes struck down in fear because in front of me was one of the few people who would ever be able to edge into my heart. Slowly reopening every gap I took so much care of and closed so tightly. "Please April. Just come with me. It's not the first time you've ditched." he said.

"No Jason. I'm not cutting class." I said sticking my ground whilst still looking at the ground. Do we even have janitors? If we do why aren't they doing their job. The floors are full of dust. I swipe my feet, oh wait it's part of the tile. Silly me.

"I knew you were too scared." he teased making my eyes shoot up and glare at him.

"That doesn't work on me." I retorted and turned back to my locker. Seriously guy challenged girl, please give me something less used. I closed my locker once my back pack was inside. I didn't even make it three steps when I was lifted off of the ground. The clatter of my pencil and screech from my mouth turning a couple of nosy heads. I was staring at Jason's Butt! His really nice butt.. but still.. Hehe butts..


"Put me down Asshole." I yelled. What is it with this boy and kidnapping me?!

"No can do my lady." he dared say, slapping my butt.

Breath April. Breath. Come on. Breath. I close my eyes and massage my head, trying very hard not to kill him or hurt him very very badly. At least my back pack is safely in my locker. Crap my phone again. I'm suddenly put down. 

Computers set around me in rows, all black turned off. "What are we doing in the computer lab?" I ask Jason. Going inside a row.

A camera is set on one of the tables, a canon rebel. It's on, with a picture of some cheerleaders which are probably ours, but who knows. They all have huge white smiles, one of the skirts rises a bit too high, their poms poms held high like trophies. I grab the camera and scroll, but I only find that picture on the camera.

"I need to make a quick stop." Jason responded taking the Camera away from me.

"Hey, I was using that!" I whine.

Jason chuckles and takes off the lens. He puts the camera to his eye. I raise an eyebrow and put my hand on my hip. "Really?" I say right before the camera flashes, almost blinding me.

"Say cheese." he says and I don't move. "Please." he insists. My heart practically melts with the pout he gives me. I give him my largest smile giving in, blame my stupid heart. The camera flashes, making the oddly satisfying clicking noise.

A boy suddenly enters and I take it as my chance to escape. I sprint out the door, Jason yells my name a bit too late as I walk into my math class. I go and sit down, the teacher giving me a quick smile, and a do not be late again lecture. 

I walk over to the corner of the classroom since I left my journal here last time. I look around and find Nick, Bella's boyfriend making some weird hand signals which I believe I telling me to sit next to him. Humans are oddly confusing. I walk over to his side and sit next to him. "Hey." he says.

"Hi, Nick right?" I ask.

"Yup, your Bella's friend? April right?" he asks and I nod.

I open my notebook and copy down the problems. I solve them pretty quickly without using my calculator, being as all my life my math teachers have forced me to use my head and never trust the calculator. We are simply going over the past years, since according to the teacher we might be taking a state test soon. Which is just swell! Notice the sarcasm.

Nick coughs and I look at him with a frown, his cough was even more fake then the teachers lashes. "You're using my pencil." he says.

I look down and sheepishly smile at him giving him his pencil back. My pencil is probably back on the floor next to my locker, that is if another teenager didn't jack it already. This day just keeps getting better and better. "It's okay you can use it, I wasn't planning on doing anything anyway." Nick says rolling the pencil back, with a shrug.

I start working again, the teacher slacking off like always. She gives us 10 problems and somehow thinks we need more than half the class to solve them. I solve the equations all three ways before I'm interrupted again. "April, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I kinda need help." Nick says.

I look up from my paper. Half my page filled with work, the other half with scribbles and sketches of things I have no idea what they are. "With?" I ask him.

"You're Bella's friend right?" he asks.

I frown. "I think so." I respond slowly. Didn't he say I was in the beginning when he was like, 'hey you're Beth's friend'?

"Okay just promise not to tell her alright?" I nodded, "I really like her," I wanted to laugh my ass off, it's very obvious buddy. "And I wanted to make a special thing where I ask her to be my girlfriend. But I suck at that sh!t. I was thinking since you are her friend maybe you could figure out how she'd like to be asked." he said the last part with a lower and squeaky voice.

I smiled. "Sure.. But on one condition."


"Tell Jason to back off and don't hurt Bella alright? Okay make that two." I asked, making his eyes widen at the first sentence then softened with the second.

He put his hands through his hair. "I would never hurt Bella and Jason, I'll tell him to back off, even though I don't think that'll make him back off. He's stubborn and when he wants something he does all in his power to get it." he responds honestly.

I shrug understanding. It's worth a try, If Jason backs off and leaves me alone I'll be okay. I won't have so many things to do or to worry about. 

If Jason just leaves me alone. 

Damn that sentence hurt. He's already getting to me, that little dipsh!t. The teacher walks over and Nick pretends to do work very badly since his sheet is blank. White filled with Nada (nothing). I feel something poke my thigh, I look over and see it's Nick pushing his phone towards me. 

I grab it and look at the message he's showing me. It's a picture of me, the one from a few minutes ago. I'm smiling and I don't look back- Photoshop maybe? The top message reads;

"Show the next message to April." -Jason

After that it's my picture with a caption. 

"You can run and you can hide, butt I knew you were checking out my butt ;)"- Jason

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