He beamed at her when he noticed the door had opened and gestured towards the lift, "Me and a few of the others are going to check out Vail Village, would you like to come?"

Kirstie was shocked he was there waiting for her, it was rare that him or Scott invited her our anymore - it wasn't out of malice, they had just been conditioned to think she never wanted to go out from all the times she had said no to them, opting instead to hangout with Seth. Eventually they had just stopped asking and before she didn't care, she was just so in love with her boyfriend to care but now that the two of them weren't as close, she had begun to realise more and more how much of a Scomiche shaped hole she had in her life. It was because of this rarity that Kirstie had just assumed someone else had asked him to come and ask her, and she was pretty sure she could put money on who it was.

"Will Avi be there?" She croaked, her voice not used to being heard after hours of being silent. It had to be him, no one else on the crew (asides from Kate and Genevieve who she already knew were napping in their respective rooms) would actively go and seek her out to invite her somewhere.

The smile dropped from his face and he became confused at why she may have been asking that. To him, Avi and Kirstie were only on a speak if they had to basis and he already was a little bit weirded out that Avi had requested him to come up to ask her. "Yeah, he's coming - why?"

It dawned on her how obvious she had just made it, Mitch wasn't supposed to know, Mitch couldn't know - nobody could, that was between her and her heart and that alone. Frantically her brain searched for a response, something to deter Mitch from discovering her secret but all that came out of her mouth was a terrified babbling. "It doesn't matter, I'm not really feeling too well so I'll just stay here."

Immediately Mitch thought the worst, her sudden change of expression indicated to him that there was something wrong between her an Avi even more so than before. "Is this about Avi? Has something happened for him to piss you off?"

"No...no it's fine, just not very well that's all. Nothing to do with Avi, forget I said that." She slammed hurriedly, desperately trying to get Mitch to drop the subject knowing all to well that it wouldn't work. Much like Esther the night previously, he would be watching her like a hawk from now on, carefully studying the two of them to figure out what was going on but unlike Esther, he was sure to be much more vocal about his observations.

"...okay?" His face controlled into a quizzical expression, clueless about their exchange.

Unable to think about anything else to do, Kirstie hummed in response and clumsily managed to close the for in his face, hoping that he got the message to leave her alone. Sighing, she leant her back against the door and rested her head against it. She was a complete mess.


A knock on the door startled her once more only a few hours after the last one and yet again she clambered out of bed away from her Modern Family marathon to see who it would be. She expected it to be Mitch informing her that they had come back, or maybe it was Genevieve wanting to check up on her after finding her upset the other night but she certainly wasn't expecting to see his face at the other side of the door.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Avi grinned at her the moment she opened the door and she swore she could feel her brain melting a little bit. She told herself that it needed to stop, that she needed to get over whatever little crush she had on him. He wasn't her boyfriend, she knew she needed to remember that.

"...yeah." The sight of him after what felt like years of yearning to see him had taken her aback so much so that she couldn't even answer his question. She was beginning to feel like one of those cliche women from the movies who is unable to function around the man of her dreams and she hated it. She knew that not being able to control her emotions around him was due to the overwhelming nature of her situation and not her feelings for him yet it still annoyed her that someone other than her boyfriend could get her to feel like that, it just reminded her of how messed up her relationship really was.

Chucking at her confusion, he began to route around in his tight pockets, screwing up his face as he begun to search for whatever it was he was after. "I got you something from Vail, it's not much but I know you'll love it."

Kirstie tried not to think about the slight touch of his hand against her's as she placed a small object wrapped in turquoise tissue paper into her palm but she soon realised that thinking about not doing something only made her think about it more. Feeling his steady gaze on her, she frantically opened up the paper to reveal a smooth purple stone.

"A crystal?" She asked a little shocked that he had gotten her gift and one as un-Avi as that. It wasn't that she was ungrateful, she just wasn't expecting that from him of all people. She looked up from her hand to nervously gaze at him, questioning him with her eyes why he was giving her a pretty stone.

Sheepishly his hand found his beard and he begun to run his hand over his stubble as he nervously explained himself. "Yeah, it's supposed to make you feel better, I don't know how well it works though."

"Did Mitch help you to pick this out?" She smirked, remembering all about Mitch's old obsession with various crystals and their supposed powers. Amazingly despite the turmoil her emotions seemed to be in she somehow managed to find it within her to hold a conversation with him, she just hoped it didn't come across as very flirty because him of all people finding out her little problem would be a disaster.

"You know he did." Avi smirked back and perhaps her feelings had made her biased but she was certain he was trying to flirt with her. Maybe he was feeling it too?

Resting his wrist against the doorframe he leant in closer to her with that slight smile on his face that for the last few days had begun to drive her insane. "Do you want to go for that scotch I promised?"

The thought of being alone with him and drinking scared her to the core. What if she got too drunk and said something she shouldn't? What if the alcohol made her act like she wanted to in her private thoughts? How would she act with no one else around? "Not today, sorry. My throat feels like it's on fire so I doubt the scotch will be much help."

She couldn't help but be a little bit ecstatic at the dejected look that came across his face at the thought of not spending time with her or maybe it was just her imagination?

"Oh okay, would you like to do something else instead?" Surprisingly to Kirstie, his voice was soft, apprehensive instead of his usually confident tone. She didn't know whether it was just all in her head but she was beginning to feel more and more like he felt the same. Maybe he had always been this way and she was just too in love with Seth to notice, maybe it was a recent thing, or maybe it was all just a figment of her imagination.

Regardless to the questions and doubt she had about him, the thought of spending time together without alcohol involved intrigued and excited her. "Like what?"

"I dunno, we could always watch Netflix again but I suppose that's all we seem to do so we should change it up a little bit..." He grimaced as he trailed off, thinking intensely of something else to do since he had not planned for the scotch to be rejected.

Somehow she found some bravery within her and surprised herself by becoming more forward about the idea of hanging out with him alone. They used to do it all the time, nothing had to be different, not if she didn't make it so. "Do you just want to order lots of room service and pig out?"

A large grin spread across his face at the notion of her being into spending time together and yet again seeing him look so happy made her stomach flutter.

"Let me think about that... yes!"


I'll proof read this later when I have time!

I decided to split this chapter into two as you guys were desperate! The next part will be up when I'm done writing it but I have no idea when I can so that just hold on ;)

Love you guys!!

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