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Scott and stiles had a long day at school but it was completely worth it because it was Friday. They had plans to stay at Scott's and do absolutely nothing, and that's exactly what they were attempting to do.

their bags somewhere on the floor and the two of them side by side on the couch.

"hey umm Scott?" Stiles began as he scratched the back of his neck.

"yeah?" Scott asked at stiles hesitating Manner.

"I asked Lydia to help me learn to fight so I was better at handling myself. I didn't want to be a bystander, I wanted to be to the point where I knew I was the robin to your batman but the thing is, since I got sick it seems like you've been waiting on me hand and foot, I'm not being very good and handling myself- so- I'm sorry and tha-"

"stiles, even if you were completely trained and could fight as well as you wanted, I would still be at your side right now and it's not a pity thing it's a friend thing. a best friend thing. and your not a bystander. you help more then you realize."

"come on Scotty I didn't mean for it to get so sappy I was just trying to apologize, yeah?"

"no need. I'm not here to baby sit you or make sure your okay, I'm here because, well actually I'm here because this is my house but your here because I want you to be."

About that time, Scott got a text from Isaac, that read, "So it's been a long stressful couple a days, how do you and stiles feel about a party?"

"Can we?" Stiles asked, reading the text from over Scott's shoulder.

"you want to?"

"well not really, but I figure it can't hurt. plus you and I can get out and then be exhausted and it will make the rest of our lazy weekend much more appreciated."

"okay. yeah, yeah, I guess. you get ready and I'll get the details from Isaac"

stiles got up and pulled the blanket back, tossing it on top of Scott, covering his whole body, including his face.

"ha ha funny stiles." Scott called after him as the boy slightly laughed going up the stairs.


Scott looked at stiles as they pushed the door open to the house that was emitting loud music and the smell of alcohol.

"boys! hey! treat yourself to a drink, have fun!" Lydia exclaimed as she handed them both a glass of something and then getting lost in the sea of bodies, Scott and stiles looked at each other and shrugged before downing the drink in hand. Scott wasn't phased but stiles looked as if he head just swallowed fire.

"woah. that was strong." he said as he put his arm around Scott's shoulder and led him deeper into the house.

"Scott! Stiles! You two look very coordinated....stiles is that my shirt?" Isaac asked.

"probably. you do live there when you aren't staying with Liam. Speaking of- where is he?"

"here!" Liam responded as he pushed through people and stood next to Isaac.

"you two do look coordinated. very nice also- I brought drinks for the two of you, Isaac and I have had three, you have to try this." he insisted.
Scott raised an eyebrow when stiles downed it, but then followed.

"Worse then the first I repeat defneitly worse then the first!" He said coughing.

"let's go get you a normal drink?" Scott asked, smirking at stiles who nodded quickly in response.

"we'll see you guys later" Scott said as stiles followed close behind to the kitchen.

about three beers later and stiles is very clingy. his arm hasn't left Scott's shoulder and he hasn't stopped talking to people.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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