ch. 6

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as the sun rose, stiles woke with a jolt. waking up Scott too.

"hey, stiles, you okay?" He asked.

So maybe it wasn't completely over. He was still gonna have horrible dreams for a long time. Stiles nodded in response to his friend.

"Did it work? did they, are you...."

"yeah. Scotty, I'm cool just, um-"

"bad dreams now?" Scott asked running s hand through his hair.

"Exactly." stiles mumbled.

"'ll be fine, you'll get though those too." Scott informed his on edge best friend and grabbed his hand.

Stiles nodded, feeling like a child but accepted the 'ill take care of you' thing. it was Scott, what else was suppose to happen.

the two drifted back off watching tv despite the sleep they just had and the fact that stiles as so close to Scott, stiles slept peacefully.

when stiles woke, Derek and Scott were standing in the kitchen drinking coffee. stiles stood up and lazily walked over there. still kinda tired.

"Liam won't stop calling." Derek said sipping his coffee. his phone rang, Derek looked at it and handed it to stiles.

"Hey Liam." stiles said into the phone.
"yeah I'm totally fine....Its all good......yeah I'm alright.....thanks Liam.....see you after school then yeah......bye Liam."

Stiles made coffee and sat down next to Scott and across from Derek.

"yeah, so officially no more wolves or people are infected. Peter and I are gonna go check out the place of the woman who made the poison."

"you need help?" Scott asked.

"no, We'll be fine" Derek said about to walk out.

"hey. call us when you're done. we wanna know you're not like...dead or something." Scott told him, stiles nodded.

"yeah. sure thing." Derek said and was gone.

"hey thanks for letting me stay here, I can crash at my place now, I mean I'm okay."

"well...stiles...I mean, I watched you freak out and...its not cool. just...I mean stay a little while. that way when mom gets home she can make sure you're okay. and I need to know. not to be so sappy."

"it's fine dude. remember the hotel on our trip?"

"yeah, I do"

"still worries me."

"why? It wasn't me."

"Scott I know. but this wasn't me and it still freaked you out a little right?"


"okay. but you can't follow me around and listen in on me all day when we go back to school. I don't need a baby sitter."



"well Isaac, Liam, and I all have the superhearing and you know, none of us are ever safe. there's always something going on so.."

"you guys listen to me all day?! SCOTT!"

"it's just when stuff like when Peter was a threat, and Kate, and you know just when super bad things are happening."

"oh my god."

"we listen for each other too. and Lydia."

"oh my god."

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