ch. 7

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A/N - this chapter is kinda boring like nothing really happens but I have an explanations my lovelies - 1. I had no motivation 2. It's just events leading up to the important part so bare with me !

Scott woke up with stiles against him, the alarm going off. Scott reached up and turned it off.

"Stiles." Scott said getting up. Stiles groaned.

"seriously stiles, school and all."

"what about sleep? teenagers need sleep." stiles complained reaching over to where he thought Scott was, but frowned when he realized Scott wasn't there. stiles sat up and grabbed some clothes and a towel.

after he got out of the shower, he looked at Scott.

"where's my car? I drove it to the bar. I can't believe this is the first time-"

"well it's not, Isaac told you it's in your drive way at home." Scott told him, amused.

"does that mean I get to ride on your motorcycle? I haven't done that yet. I feel cheated." stiles informed Scott, picking up his bag.

Scott rolled his eyes and the door opened up.

"boys, you're up. stiles, how you feeling?" Melissa asked. Stiles nodded.

"not bad." he told her as they both hugged her before walking downstairs.

stiles kept his arms around Scott until they had stopped for a while at the school. Stiles was a little freaked out.

"so, as fun as you thought?" Scott asked smirking. stiles slowly removed his arms from around Scott and took his helmet off, seeing Lydia, Kira, Isaac, and Liam standing in the school yard talking.

Stiles was fine all day long until coaches class. he got increasingly more tired and slowly fell asleep.

Scott looked over at stiles, completely out on his desk, stiles heart rate increasing and he furrowed his eyebrows. Scott tried to wake him up without being noticed but stiles only got worse. he clenched his fist and his finger nails dug into his hand so much some blood ran down his hand.

"stiles." Scott repeated this time shoving him. stiles bolted up and looked around.

"stilinski. what are you doing back there?" Coach called, a little annoyed. stiles looked up at him. bags under his eyes and he looked sick.

"I um- I- I have to go to the bathroom." stiles said standing up and leaving. Scott looked over to Isaac. who told him to go. so Scott followed. Scott pulled stiles into the boys locker rooms.

"dude- I really did have to pee." stiles said rubbing his temples.

"stiles...Serious for a moment. man, are you alright?"

"yeah. just- it's not as bad as the one before, so they're getting bearable. getting better." stiles said.

Scott grabbed stiles's wrist and turned his hands up, four semi circles engraved in each hand from his nails.

"I don't like your definition of bearable" Scott explained as pain disappeared from stiles. But when Scott looked at him, stiles still looked bothered.

"stiles, seriously-" Scott began before stiles wrapped his arms around Scott's neck. Scott let out a breath before hugging stiles back.

"you'll be fine" Scott assured stiles. stiles, always smelt good to Scott. and he was breathing him in, feeling his heart beat, focusing on his other half that was wrapped around him.

the bell rang. a few moments later, stiles separated. "I....I'm..sorry. just-" stiles began.

Isaac walked in and dropped their book bags on the ground.

my fault - a sciles ficWhere stories live. Discover now