She Was Always The One

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I stumbled down a couple of steps, arms flailing. I was stopped by something- no, somebody- behind me. Tony had caught me right before I broke my neck. From the looks of it, he was pissed. Next to him were Mike and Jaime, all three of them staring menacingly at the guy who had pushed me. The guy and Vic had both stopped in their tracks when I flew toward the stairs, so we were all standing frozen. Mike stepped up, cracking his knuckles. Jaime and Vic unfroze, closing in on the guy as well.

Tony wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. Mike was currently beating the hell out of the guy, and Vic was joining in. Jaime stood to the side, ready to jump in. I had never seen Vic this angry before, not even when he had jumped on Alex. Blood was literally splattering on the walls at this point, and the poor kid didn’t have a chance against the Fuentes brothers. Eventually, Rian and Alex wandered up and threw the guy out.

“What the hell was that about ?” Alex inquired. We all just shook our heads. I hugged Tony and he wandered off with Jaime, but Vic and Mike were deep in conversation. I leaned awkwardly against the wall, watching the party. I tried to shake off the feeling that the recent situation had given me, but I was feeling on edge. I looked over to where Mike and Vic had been, but they had dispersed. I tilted my head back, closing my eyes and sighing. I just wished my life would go right for once. Lips on my forehead broke off my thoughts, and I opened my eyes to see Mike standing before me. “You okay ?” I nodded, “Thanks Mike.” He gave me a quick hug and disappeared, just like everyone else.

Vic emerged from the bathroom, and scooped me up in his arms into a hug. He grabbed my arm, lightly tugging me downstairs. We weaved through the party, then arrived at the front door. “Where are we-“ I tried to ask, but he silenced me. He piggybacked me all the way to his house, where he tiptoed right up to the window. He lifted it up, “It’s always unlocked.” He motioned for me to climb in first, and I obliged. He jumped in after me, shutting the window quietly. He climbed into bed, inviting me to join him. The room was cold and dark, but being there with Vic under the blankets, it was just right.

Moonlight streamed in through the window, and we watched the stars together as we lay entangled. “Things have been really crazy lately, especially these past few days, so I thought we needed some time away,” Vic whispered, kissing me quickly. “And there’s a few things I wanna say- I love you Pruitt, I’m so in love with you it’s not even funny. Also, I’m really sorry for everything I’ve put you through, especially recently. I know that you’ve been through enough without me complicating your life, but thank you for accepting me and sticking by me, it means everything to me. I’m sorry for getting mad about the whole Alex thing, and for wandering off and that whole escapade….and Pruitt ?” I glanced up at him, “Yeah ?”

“Will you go out with me ?”

I laughed, “Yes, of course, silly. I’m sorry for breaking up with you.”

“You had every reason too, I was just being jealous and too over-protective, I shouldn’t make you choose between me and your friends.” He swallowed hard after that, and I could tell he was hurt that I hadn’t chosen him. “Vic. I wasn’t picking Alex over you, I….he’s a really good friend of mine, and I need him in my life too. I knew that eventually we would work things out, it was just a heat of the moment thing…I’m sorry.” He sighed, “Don’t apologize babe, it’s all in the past now. Let’s just forget it.” He kissed me slow and soft, mesmerizing me. It reminded me a lot of our first kiss, and I started getting nostalgic, thinking of when we first met.

I relayed the first time I saw him from my point of view, and he shared his, and we both laughed together. It was fun to tell our stories from each point of view, and hear what it had been like for the other. Soon the talking dwindled, and sleepy kissing replaced it. Vic softly played with my hair, lulling me to sleep. But I didn’t want to lose this moment, I didn’t want to fall asleep and let it go. Perfection only comes around so often, and I wanted to make it last.

“These are moments of such pure sublime, unparalleled perfection that they will force you to close your eyes and hold onto them as best you can. Life is a series of these moments, the rest is just waiting for them.”

I Hope You Like the Stars I Stole For Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें