Before I Could Cry

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Vic’s POV

My heart was pounding as I raced after Pruitt, but she ignored me and stormed into her house. I was so confused and bewildered that I didn’t know what to do. I did the only thing I could think of, which was to lock myself in my room and call and text her until she answered. It was hours of her ignoring my texts and calls that I realized I should leave her a voice message. I took a deep shaky breath and called her one last time.

“Pruitt, will you please listen to me ? I know why you’re mad, I know you think I’m crazy, I know I’m a fuck-up okay ? I’m so sorry, I’m trying to change, I’ll change for you. I’m not crazy, I swear. I’M NOT CRAZY. Please just answer the phone. Please ? Pruitt ?”

I hadn’t been lying when I told her that I knew why she was mad- she was mad that she loved me and that I turned out to be fucking crazy. I’m not good enough for her, I never was, and now she’s starting to see that. She’s made because I let her down. I was letting Pruitt slip away before my eyes, without even trying.

I stared blankly for hours, trying to hatch a plain to make her forgive me. I was going to beg until the day I died, if that’s what it took. I couldn’t lose her, she was everything to me. That would be like losing my own heart, and I simply couldn’t go through that….I wouldn’t survive it.

My phone lit up with Pruitt’s name, and I stared in shock before snatching it up. She was apologizing profusely before I could even say hello. She told me the real reason that she was upset with me, and I had never been more relieved. It was like getting a second chance.

That Saturday night was the best night of my life- the night Pruitt finally gave herself to me. It meant more to me than it did to her, because it meant that she honestly did forgive me and trust me.

Something changed in me after the day I told Pruitt my secret. I didn’t have to hide anything from her anymore, I could be completely open and honest. She knew my entire past now and still accepted me for it. Now there was no question in my mind that she loved me too. I was no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for something to happen to push her away…Before, I had been afraid that one day she would find out and run screaming and I would never hear from her again. But somehow, by a miracle, the love of my life accepted me whole-heartedly.

Pruitt’s parents went on vacation, so now we could hang out openly twenty-four seven, no longer confined to being quiet and sneaking around up in her room. She had been sick lately, throwing up and such, so I was taking care of her. I was making her soup when she ran upstairs, to puke again I presume, and then suddenly she appeared in front of me anxiously. She claimed she needed some air, so I reluctantly let her go on a walk. She was starting to worry me, and I was about ready to take her to the doctor.

When she came back about ten minutes later, she raced upstairs again. This time I followed, growing more concerned by the minute. I tried the bathroom door, but it was locked. I pounded on it urgently “Pruitt ?” I was terrified that something was really wrong now. Eventually I back away and sat on her bed waiting.

Five minutes later, the door opened. She avoided my gaze, and my stomach dropped. Something was wrong. I jumped to my feet, “Pruitt ?” My voice was frantic. She took a shaky breath and turned to me, “I’m pregnant.”

Time stopped. “W-what ?” I couldn’t comprehend what she had just said. The expression on her face didn’t match what she’d just said, and I thought she was kidding for a moment, but she stayed serious. There seemed to be more she wasn’t telling me, and I started rambling. She cut me off “Vic. V-Vic. VIC.” I gulped, “Yeah ?”

“It’s not your baby.”

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