The Child

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The group of people that call themselves Akatsuki blindfolded me and took me to their home. When Itachi pulled my blindfold off and I looked around, I saw that we were surrounded by rock stones, There was a simple grey couch in the middle with a flat screen t.v against the wall. I looked at the left wall covered in books. "join the akatsuki" pein said handing me a ring with a rainbow background and the word flower in it, along with that I got a coat I guessing they all wear. I nodded my head while Itachi took me to my room that I didn't have to share with anyone. (her coat above, just black and red clouds)" Arigatō" I bowed in respect to him. Nodding he left the room in a hurry i was left alone for the night. I put my flower crown on top of the desk and fell back against the bed letting the dark take over.

                                                                                *NEXT DAY*

"DAMMIT TOBI" I woke up to a scream out in the kitchen followed by some explosions. I got dressed and started brushing my hair but I needed a little help. I walked to pein's door of his office and knocked. He called for me to come in, I looked down shyly "can you brush my hair" he was silent for a couple of minutes before waving me over and told me to sit in front of him. He took the brush and started brushing gently though it. I started humming and then softly singing.

I can't win, I can't reign
I will never win this game
Without you, without you
I am lost, I am vain,
I will never be the same
Without you, without you

I won't run, I won't fly
I will never make it by
Without you, without you
I can't rest, I can't fight
All I need is you and I,
Without you, without you

Oh oh oh!
You! You! You!
You! You! You!

Can't erase, so I'll take blame
But I can't accept that we're estranged
Without you, without you
I can't quit now, this can't be right
I can't take one more sleepless night
Without you, without you

I won't soar, I won't climb
If you're not here, I'm paralyzed
Without you, without you
I can't look, I'm so blind
I lost my heart, I lost my mind
Without you, without you

Oh oh oh!
You! You! You!
You! You! You!

I am lost, I am vain,
I will never be the same
Without you, without you

I finished the song when pein stopped brushing through my hair. "Arigatō pein-san" I whispered and kissed his cheek walking out of his office into Sasori's room. I see him sitting there working on his puppet's arm. "Do you need some help with your art?" he turned looking a tab bit startled. "no" his replay was harsh so I left him working. I wanted to do some training so I walked to the livingroom to see Zetsu there watching T.V. "can you show me the training room please." He said nothing but go up showing me the way. "Arigatō" as we walked into the huge training room. "Anytime" with that he walked off. I saw some wood figures and lined the in a circle with me in the middle.

I took out some knives bending my knees getting the knives in between my fingers, I jumped high with in middle air i flipped around and closed my eyes, i threw the knives hearing them hitting there mark and flipped right side up i landed opening my eyes to see all in the middle but one of them. "so close" i whispered going over to the knives picking them up. "you need to turn a little faster at the end" i voice startled me out of my thoughts. I saw Itachi leaning on the door way with the arms crossed. " " "Welcome" he moved forward bending down in front of me with on hand in his robe he pulled out my white flower crow i forgot to put on. I gasped and patted my head looking at him. "here" he laughed a small bit and put the crown on my head. "

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